Look at your life closely and you would be amazed to find plethora of paradoxes and clusters of contradictions, which you might have come across. But, wonder how much you have noticed; so please ponder the following:
- Nature has given right things in the wrong hands or places and wrong things in the right hands or places.
There are innumerable examples – Roses among thorns, Lotus in muddy waters, Energy resources – oil, gas & coal and rich minerals in difficult terrains and territories. Usually, very intelligent people have family and/or health issues and very healthy people are short of head. Look at your own body anatomy; you may discover weird combinations, which you may wish could have been different! - In our drive of Pollution control, we have completely lost our way of Population control. No one has clue or clear data, how much this is painting black on green (initiatives).
- Governments and Industries lay emphasis and empathy on consumption for growth; but apathy on conservation.
- Balancing act of nature is through bestowing Fury n Favor; seldom does it through fair deal to the most!
- In pursuit of promoting Freedom and Democracies, some have promoted only Frightened and Fearful.
- The Worst tends to take grip, when people are at their Best.
In 1923, eight of the wealthiest people in the world met. Their combined estimated wealth exceeded wealth of US Government at that time.
25 years later: - President of the largest steel company, Charles Schwab, died bankrupt.
- President of the largest gas company, Howard Hubson, went insane.
- One of the greatest commodity traders, Arthur Cutton, died insolvent.
- President of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney, was sent to jail.
- A member of the President’s Cabinet, Albert Fall, was pardoned from jail.
- The greatest “bear” on Wall Street, Jessie Livermore, committed suicide.
- President of the world’s greatest monopoly, Ivar Krueger, committed suicide.
- President, Bank of International Settlement, Leon Fraser, committed suicide.
People make either a living (money) or life; rarely both! - In IT era, illustrious idiom like “Ignorance is Bliss” has lost meaning to “Information is Blast”.
- With unlimited info a click away, people are confused what to do with it.
- Social media receives so much of our time that we are left with no time for who cares and cries for us.
- Two gifts of our great time – “Say Sorry” and “Make Excuses”! People keep giving these so graciously that they go for third one “Why deliver what they promised”.
- When you have energy (young age), you do not know to channel it and when you know to channel it (matured age), you are left with little.
- When you like someone, you get closer and closer, only to find cracks and then, you repel farther and farther.
- When you want to get rid of assets, their values often rise!
- You do not realize relevance and value of what you have or virtues of others, until these start to diminish or vanish.
- When you are hollow, shallow or new (to a function), you tend to shout; but sober down, when you become solid and can afford to shout!
So much is for now; more in my next post and so also, why our life is that way?
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