Tag: Energy
If you want to begin 2017 with a bang, put your faith on four fundamental equations
There are 4 fundamental forces, which govern all what happens in our universe – gravity, electro-magnetism, strong and weak forces. Likewise, there are 4 basic equations that govern all what we do. We spend days and decades doing our things; but most of us fail to see how things are interwoven or interconnected. There exist…
Why likes of Trump would not only survive but always thrive
Look at any country, company, community or family – difficult person or people always dominate and decent ones lie low. In a school classroom, naughty students are always noticeable and receive teachers’ most attention; but nice ones find themselves neglected. In just concluded US Presidential race, it is widely believed that both of main contenders…
Our Life is full of Paradoxes! Why is that?
Look at your life closely and you would be amazed to find plethora of paradoxes and clusters of contradictions, which you might have come across. But, wonder how much you have noticed; so please ponder the following: Nature has given right things in the wrong hands or places and wrong things in the right hands…