Category: Corporate
Categories of jobs that can give you optimum Work-Life Balance
Awareness about work-life balance has increased considerably over time across the world; however, challenge for most remains how to actually achieve it. There are two options that one can consider: To remove all misconceptions or mysteries around what actually work-life balance is. Please refer to an earlier article on this site published on Feb. 28,…
If you want to begin 2017 with a bang, put your faith on four fundamental equations
There are 4 fundamental forces, which govern all what happens in our universe – gravity, electro-magnetism, strong and weak forces. Likewise, there are 4 basic equations that govern all what we do. We spend days and decades doing our things; but most of us fail to see how things are interwoven or interconnected. There exist…
Change under crisis or constraint is compelling; but it is costly n chaotic!
“Change” is the most celebrated term in corporate life, leadership circles, professional and personal lives and even in country governance across the globe. Most people take pride in speaking for change, but fall short is imbibing and implementing it. Many talk about it but don’t know what to do with it. An aspirant gets a…
Why best of partners part their ways in worst manners!
George Clooney, famed Hollywood actor was adjudged as one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, until he decided to tie the knot with Amal Alamuddin, an international and human rights lawyer, in September 2014. Press has written lot of love stories and quotes for the couple; but, it has now reported that their…
Six leadership lessons highly worth learning from psychology of a physician
We all know that medical practice in any field is a noble profession; but what is little known are unique lessons that we should learn from the mindset of a medical practitioner. We are talking about just a good physician, leave alone successful ones. Let us look at what does psychology of a physician teach…
Does phenomenal rise invariably rings in pathetic fall in max. of 4 years?
Indian iconic industrialist Ratan Tata retired at the age of 75 years from chairmanship of Tata group and appointed 46 years old Cyprus Mistry as his successor. This was indeed phenomenal rise of young Mistry. But recently, 4 years later, Cyprus Mistry has been sacked from chairmanship of the group for several reasons, one of…
Why likes of Trump would not only survive but always thrive
Look at any country, company, community or family – difficult person or people always dominate and decent ones lie low. In a school classroom, naughty students are always noticeable and receive teachers’ most attention; but nice ones find themselves neglected. In just concluded US Presidential race, it is widely believed that both of main contenders…
Are modern day science n stress making us more sick or superstitious?
Current US President Barack Obama has revealed in a recent interview that he always carries in his pocket a statuette of Lord Hanuman, small Buddha, silver poker chip etc. and seeks inspiration from same when he feels tired or discouraged. But, he has said that he is not that superstitious. He is not alone; he…
Make your career and life an all-time celebration, just by not doing what you should not!
You are committed to your duties and punctuality; but getting late today. So, you are in rush and speeding up your vehicle, ignoring the dangers on road that can throw your life out of gear and more importantly, not noticing that rushing actually takes you in reverse gear. At work, you are chasing a deadline…
Can your future n fortune be predicted or planned n prepared?
While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are busy taking out dirty linens from each other’s drawers in public, pollsters and respective supporters are agog and busy predicting fate of their candidates in US presidential campaign. During annual examination, a student is always eager that someone could correctly predict whether he/she would get through or fail.…