While Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are busy taking out dirty linens from each other’s drawers in public, pollsters and respective supporters are agog and busy predicting fate of their candidates in US presidential campaign.
During annual examination, a student is always eager that someone could correctly predict whether he/she would get through or fail. Many people, who have not been successful in their previous job interviews, visit astrologer or tarot card reader to know whether they would get through in next interview.
But, we seldom think, what would happen, if we know our future in advance. If a student knows that he/she would get thru in examination, he/she would stop to prepare. If a sportsman knows ahead of time that his team would be defeated, he would have no heart to play. There would have been no need to spend billions of dollars and bloodbath of words, if the two contestants in current US election knew their actual fate.
So, correct knowledge of our future can instantly kill our thoughts, talent, thrill … and lot more; yet most of us incessantly keep searching or worrying about our future.
Is your future and fortune predictable?
There are modern methods and tools to predict things in advance – surveys, statistical algorithms, mathematical models and now Big Data.
Then, there are age old practices of astrology, horoscopy, palmistry, numerology and many more, practitioners of which insist that these are based on science though some surmise it is divine driven. That is not true. Science is always in black and white; whereas these practices thrive on what is gray. As regards divine hands, it is a clear case of what we fear but can’t fathom, we tend to defer it to domain of faith or god.
All of above tools or techniques are fundamentally governed by law of probabilities. If prediction of fortune teller is closer to higher probability, it has higher chance of coming true and turns out to be false, in case of low probability.
For a variety of reasons, we are saddled with one or more of following perceptions:
- Our future gets defined by our birth time or zodiac sign.
- Our future is predefined and stored somewhere, which keeps rolling in – how? Not known.
- Our fortune has been written on our forehead – by who? God or genes?
- When we think or dream of future, we are actually dipping into same.
- When past time vanishes, future is already waiting with its wings (where?) to become visible.
None of above is true. Even science has failed to define correctly what future time is.
When you think or dream of future, you actually do it on basis of past memories or images. Past time is what gets stored as your memory and present time is what you witness now. Frame of present time keeps changing based on what happens now and we perceive it as future. Truly speaking, future is nothing but “Next Now” in relation to “Current Now”!
You can plan and prepare your future; actually you have been doing that!
Surprised? But, it is true that you have been always making your future rightly or wrongly albeit being unaware. Look at last 2 posts on this website –
One on Schrödinger’s cat brings out the fact that anything that has not happened has 50% chances of happening.
Second post illustrates that things around you closely track your thoughts.
To build your future and bring fortune, all that you need is to follow following 4 mantras or mandates:
- Become capable of earning without clamoring for it.
- Be committed to growth without being greedy.
- Be competent to hold and handle without hoarding it.
- Be dynamic without doubting or dithering.
World generally follows only left highlighted part of above 4 mantras but that can push probability only little above 50%. If you want to make it 100%, additionally follow right parts of these mantras all the more rigorously.
Then, you are set to enjoy fabulous future and fortune!
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