Tag: Empathy

  • Money – the best Mask for most Maladies!

    A man is known to have good chunk of money and participates in a marathon race for the cause of blind people, he becomes master of Universe! “Blind worship of wealth” seems to be what today’s media tends to project! On the darker side, same man also runs a cast iron foundry shop, where he…

  • Confusion in Corporates – lead by being Democratic, Autocratic or Authoritative?

    Successful companies or their managers do not practice, what they preach generally! Everyone talks of empowerment and encouraging openness or dissent; but when it comes to doing it, people do it selectively or secretively. If you look at leadership forums, conferences, articles or development programs, everyone would swear by vision, farsightedness, focus, drive, dynamism, empathy…

  • “How I Hire” – Mantra & Messages of many!

    Recently a social media has invited articles on “How I Hire” from eminent leaders and authors. So, a spate of articles surfaced on this platform. Lot of good ideas and counsel has been shared on how to hire best in class or best fit. Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of GE sees the best…

  • Most managers fail to graduate to good leadership, since their most qualities are opportunistic!

    Often company management and its HR folks fail to notice how behavioral pattern of employees undergo a change as they move up the ladder. Jerry (name changed) was an employee of a well-known multinational company. During early phase of his career, he was reasonable, rational and great team player. When he graduated to become supervisor,…

  • Aspire to be a Role Model? Go harder on Soft Skills and softer on Hard Skills!

    MBA, Engineering, Medical or any other discipline degrees and technical part of experience can make you a model; but not role model! These give you hard skills and knowledge in a given field, enable you to enter an organization or profession; but take you further only to a limited level!! What really helps you is…

  • “Blessings” or “Best Wishes” – which one gives better sense & strength!

    Two terms “Blessings” and “Best Wishes” are used by us very frequently; but, very few might have realized real difference between these, though both are positive expressions of good thoughts from one person to another! If we can learn this difference, it can make a hell of a difference in our approach and attitude, in…

  • Predicting Behavior of Bosses!

    Is it not a good topic to talk about? If you could predict behavior of your boss, half of your life is made at work! You would not face dilemma time and again how to deal with your boss/es. In every profession and part of our life, we have to deal with people. We have…

  • Body language says it all! You want to let it speak Cosmetically or Charismatically?

    Human body language is lavishly rich; but least understood. It is the only language, which cuts across all cultures, castes, creeds and countries and is most universal; yet least developed! Everyone uses it through his/her expressions and gets an impression or comprehension for same spontaneously; but usually ignorant of its correct meaning. It is the…

  • Like to be a real Leader? Create Contemporaries & not Followers!

    Not sure, which subject is as extensively covered worldwide as “Leadership”. There are floods of articles by acclaimed to amateur people, development programs by management gurus, spate of theories, case studies and jargons on leadership. That shows its enormous importance and emphasis of top order. However, all of these have only created euphoria and excitement;…

  • When your Boss becomes your Bête noire!

    This is a wakeup call for bosses. You may be a boss or would become one in future and have a boss in your organization. So, what we are discussing here is applicable either way. As long as you are a buddy for your sub-ordinates, it is all hunky-dory. However, if you become bête noire…