Tag: Empathy
Whom to listen and follow – your heart or head?
Your spontaneous response probably would be – I should follow my heart! This is what you have heard, read or been told time and again by your role models, mentors, teachers or gurus, well known authors or leaders!! But, can you exactly pin point – this is the voice or thought from my heart and…
Thinking for others’ good actually does much good to you; vice versa if it is bad!
When you wish well for your near and dear or pray for someone’s recovery from poor state of health, you always imagine or wish that it reaches that person, however remote she or he may be! Lot of research has been conducted whether wishing or praying for someone’s wellbeing helps her/him or not. Praying for…
Me, my heart and mind – how different these are!
This topic touches everyone’s heart and/or mind. Very frequently, we say “Oh, my mind created this mess! What can I do?”; “My mind says don’t love this person; but, my heart says, I should!”; “I want to let it go; however, my mind does not allow me to do so”. In these statements, we separate…
For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!
TED talks are hugely popular all over world. These are 18 minutes or less duration powerful video presentations by world’s most inspired thinkers and speakers from host of disciplines and cultures. Some of TED talk presenters communicate very effectively. “Talk like TED” has caught fancy of several communicators and tips to talk like TED have…
Do Companies bring Change by choice or under compulsion of a crisis?
“Change” is the most celebrated word across the world – from individuals to communities, corporates and countries! But, how serious are we, when we say “Change”? Change encompasses innovations, ideas, redefining, reviewing, restructuring and redeeming! Change represents a dynamic state and breathes new and fresh. Catch phrase of nearly every celebrity is “Change is the…
Why on becoming wealthy, you tend to work either for Greed or God!
Let us first understand meaning of wealthy here. It means anything which is in excess of your needs – be it money, means, wisdom, talent or skills. There are very few, who inherit wealth in all forms. If someone inherits lot of money, he/she could be short of wisdom or skills, or vice versa. Dearth…
Sure signs, if long term health of organization you serve is not sound!
Is not it a sound idea to check time to time how sound is the long term health of the organization, you are serving or managing? If yes, top management as well as employees could do well to make following reality checks and then seek a change or solution: Top rated performers leave organization earlier…
Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ This is true not only of Corporate World but also of any type of institution or even families. Everyone craves that only decent people drive the Corporates; but, exactly opposite happens. No doubt, there are decent people at the top; but they are completely outnumbered by the difficult ones worldwide! There are 3 ways…
Good has limits; but bad knows none!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ When going is good, we see no limit! Then, a stage comes when we start to take U turn. Good starts to become grim be it growth, success or relationship. Our belief that sky is the only limit gets grounded! To be truthful, “Sky is the limit” is only a phrase. Contrary to popular…
Why those who give part of their wealth in charity get wealthier!
Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft increased his wealth by US $ 15.8 billion in 2013 and regained the title of world’s richest person, which he had lost to Mexican investor Carlson Slim in 2010, as per Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Bill has given $ 28 billion in charity so far and he holds around $78.5 billion…