Two terms “Blessings” and “Best Wishes” are used by us very frequently; but, very few might have realized real difference between these, though both are positive expressions of good thoughts from one person to another! If we can learn this difference, it can make a hell of a difference in our approach and attitude, in our ability to create impact and influence!
Blessings present inequality
Blessings are indicative of level difference between “seeker or receiver” and “giver”. Giver of blessings is recognized as more powerful, knowledgeable, respectable or elder, whereas seeker or receiver is believed not to have reached that level.
Seeking blessings shows humbleness of seeker. On the other hand, thought of giving blessing in mind of a giver boosts his/her ego. This is true except for God, though very difficult for giver to admit it. It is not easy for giver to resist temptation to have feeling of superiority and that kills the very spirit or strength of blessings!
Best Wishes represents equality
Best wishes signify and symbolize selflessness, harmony, empathy, understanding, and level play. It does not create any sense of superiority or inferiority.
Another very significant difference is that best wishes are not sought or solicited; these can only be given by giver!
Other key differences between Blessings and Best Wishes
- Blessings prompt Give and Take; whereas Best Wishes promote only Giving!
- There is always motive/s (physical attributes like longer or healthier life, alleviation from sufferings, more prosperity or power etc.) attached to Blessings; whereas only thing linked to latter is Goodness or Good feelings.
- Contents of Blessings would vary from giver to giver; whereas Best Wishes uniformly crave for the best of things!
Key derivative
Blessings should be only prerogative of God (and may be of Elders, not for their power, popularity or position but for reasons for their age)! More meaningful are Best Wishes!!
By and large, we are bugged by our biases and therefore, it is rare that we offer best wishes to others from bottom of our heart. These come more from top of our lips and that is why we don’t experience their true value and strength.
Offer your sincere thoughts and feelings to others by your heart; you would witness phenomenal change in your happiness, motivation and confidence levels. Your hatred or hiccups for others would dissolve into sheer love and understanding!
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