Why we confuse Coincidences as Calls of Heaven!

I started my career in a cement manufacturing company. There was a major breakdown of main electric motor of a kiln, seriously impacting production. My department head was very upset, because all investigations done did not reveal the possible cause. Within few weeks, there was a fire in electrical sub-station. The head suddenly noticed that he was wearing same very dress, as during earlier breakdown! He was convinced that the dress was ominous, decided to hang it up and not wear again.

One fine morning, he wore that dress again by mistake and realized it only on his way to the factory. He indeed got worried that again something would go wrong in the plant. While walking in the plant, he did not notice a ditch and broke his ankle. When I went to see him in the hospital, he told me that look it was the same very dress, because of which he got in trouble again!

Everyone comes across several coincidences in routine life and consider many of those as making of god or luck!

Common coincidences most come across

  1. Day you get up in morning with good spirits, everything appear to go great during day! But, on days you wake up in wrong mood, nothing seems to go right!!
  2. When you are in rush, you would find more obstructions or red traffic signals on road.
  3. When you anxiously wait for someone to arrive at pre-appointed time, he/she would often be late.
  4. You are not able to remember a word and push yourself to get it, you would not.
    If you abandon your efforts to remember and get engaged in another work; most probably you would get the word out of blue!
  5. You had kept your cupboard keys at a secured place before going on holidays. On return, you don’t remember the location despite laboring hard.
    Take it easy and go out shopping; you would remember all of a sudden the place where keys were kept.
  6. Company profit takes a beating, after a new boss takes over. Most would think boss has brought a bad luck. More bad news would line up only to strengthen your conviction, even though poor boss is actually doing best and right things!
  7. In middle of your busy schedule, you suddenly feel sad and get a hunch that something is not right. Most probably, you would discover something disturbing!
  8. Many wear on their body precious or semi-precious stones or metal to ward off worries about health or wealth. They would find that helps; but effect does not last.
  9. A doctor specialized in treating a particular ailment, often suffers from the same generally after getting successes or tail end of his/her career.
    Likewise, area of your expertise or special interest would be the one, which would inhibit or impair you.
  10. When you are irritated with steward of a restaurant, you would also have issues with food that he/she would serve, even though it is same as earlier occasion!
  11. Seriously believe in 13th, Friday being ominous? Be ready to face more obstacles than other days; though non-believers may sail smooth!

How coincidences build your conviction

1st time you face a situation, it can’t be deemed as coincidence and hence you would consider it one off.

2nd time when you encounter it, you would treat it as coincidence.

3rd time when you cross it and can’t figure out cause behind same, you would consider such coincidence as credible.

4th time when you know or observe same, it is most probably get converted into your conviction. You would perceive it something you can’t control and hence, believe it as a call of Heaven (or Hell)!

This is a universal rule of “1-2-3 & Go”, which rules!

Convictions so developed have element of ignorance, which is bliss until a certain breadth. You feel comfortable with those, since you believe you have no role to play and it is all about divine’s intervention!

As long as these convictions result into positive effect, no harm is done; but, problems and pains start, when these create negative influence and you run risk of these turning into illusions and superstitions!

So, what is beneath Coincidences!

No condition, contingency or coincidence can actually occur in our world without a cause. But, it is possible that we may not know the cause.

All effects or situations, which we experience, are consequence of a cause. If we do not know the cause, we would construe those effects or situations as coincidences!

Here below are fascinating facts:

  1. Causes and Effects are inseparable.
  2. We would always experience effects; though causes may be elusive to us.
    When we experience an effect or situation repetitively with no clue about cause, we start considering it as coincidence.
  3. Coincidences give birth to convictions and both together make a vicious circle!
    Convictions would tempt us to do what would prompt occurrence of coincidences e.g. by doing a ritual, you believe that things would go right and you may see good things happening many times. (But, when same things go wrong despite same ritual, you would be crestfallen)!
  4. When we do not know the cause, we can’t control coincidences. That is why we confuse coincidences as call from and control by divine forces!
  5. What reinforces coincidences and resulting convictions!
    1. Prior notions
    2. What we perceive, we believe
      We can never know what we perceive is right or wrong, until we are willing to test or challenge it!
    3. Frame of our mind
      When we are not in right frame of mind, we would see right as wrong and non-issue as an issue! Opposite would happen, if it is a right frame.

If we want to get a grip on causes, we need continuous learning and ability to comprehend state of our mind!


6 responses to “Why we confuse Coincidences as Calls of Heaven!”

  1. Martina Scholtzova Avatar

    Dear Murli,

    your wisdom is great! Each letter of this article is true, and I hope that we, as humankind, can make a progress from this mood to a free spirit of Unity. I am happy to have known you, your article uplift my spirit and give me so much needed guidance.

    1. Murli Avatar

      I don’t think that I can search words, which would match the greatness of the spirit, which you have reflected through your kind and commendable views! These also reverberate your enormous vision for the human kind!!

      I am truly thankful to you and wholeheartedly wish excellent success in your pursuits.

  2. Rudra Avatar

    There are (only) 12 kinds of Sun-signs exist for trillions of people. And still there can be trillions of people belonging to one particular sun-sign. So in this given case, when any of those ostensible ‘Gyaani’ or ‘Babaji’ alleges he can tell your future just by stating that the ‘Leo’ (for e.g.) sun-sign people need to take care because tomorrow is going to be a bad day for them. Now, as I mentioned earlier, there could be trillions of people belonging to one ‘Leo’ sun-sign, and there’s bound to be a bad day for at-least 1/4th of them (quite natural). So here you go, in this case, those 1/4th people would start believing in those ‘Babas’ and horoscopes and the rest would feel they got lucky that nothing happened to them as it was ‘only a prediction’!! But this cycle goes-on and eventually nobody gets spared!!

    This is nothing but just a mere co-incidence!!

    I think as your post correctly signifies, there’s nothing called luck (good or bad), everything is YOU and your mood (state of mind).

    You mentioned somewhere that people do some kind of rituals or perform some prayers before doing their important tasks. And if the task is a success, they give all credit to their so-called well-wishers (whom they prayed and did the rituals for) but forget that it’s only they/themselves who performed that work and came-out winners (nobody else). And if God forbid they fail in their task, they start accusing God who didn’t help them because of their Karmas!!

    What these people don’t understand that eventually it’s the human-being himself who makes or breaks his life – rest everything is just a belief!! And it depends on your ‘State of Mind’ how strong that belief can be for you!!

    But… having said that, I am not trying to be an atheist here… I very much believe in my intuitions, my conviction, my inner God and above-all, MYSELF and I think that’s the way to go… 🙂

    Thanks for this ever so enduring post!!

    Cheers!! 🙂

    1. Murli Avatar

      I am very impressed with your detailed analysis and putting forward your views forthrightly! Yes, beliefs created out of blind faith would always be blindfolded and therefore, concerned people can’t see that these are nothing but purely coincidental or incidental.

      It is very true that it is all in our mind; it is all about state of our mind.

      And believing in Self is no less than believing in God!!!

  3. Subhash Deshpande Avatar
    Subhash Deshpande

    Dear Murlisir
    Your every words and lines of wisdom are enchanting and making great impact to change my life !!!!!

    Immense Thanx to you !!!!

    1. Murli Avatar

      I am overwhelmed by what you have stated! It speaks of your thoughtfulness and qualities, which you possess!!

      Change that you are experiencing could be game changer for you.

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