May be you already know these; but did not do anything. Then, do it now. Or you do not know these, then know now and act! Time is today. If you wait for tomorrow, you may only keep waiting!!
Here below are the facts, which can truly revolutionize the way you have been living your life; add glitter and glamour freedom and fragrance! Factually, these apply in all seasons and all time. Since, we humans look for special occasions to kick start, let us use today, 01-01-2013 as an opportunity to imbibe and implement these!
- Your world starts from you and would end with you.
So, only you are responsible for what you do and its consequences; not your gene, zodiac sign, stars, forefathers or luck! Your heaven and hell exist in your world, nowhere else. So you get what your doings are worthy of. - Your world is exactly the way, you want to see.
You want to see glass of water half full, you would see it that way (positive way); you insist on seeing it half empty, nobody can stop you (your negative way). You believe your world is beautiful; you would find thousands things that would make you blissful. You think it is ugly; there would be hundreds incidences to unnerve you. - If God is everywhere, then God has to be inside you too.
When would you realize your infinite godly power? If you don’t even now, you would be eventually nothing but goddamned. - Your fortune is not fixed at any place in universe, by any of prior events that would make things happen to you in a predetermined way.
It is a myth that it gets fixed by date and time of your birth or any sign or star. Never allow your confidence that “it is you, who is continuously shaping your destiny by what and how you do” gets shaken, regardless of crisis or conflicts, you may face. - You get = what you give.
This is the greatest equation of nature; you can’t defy it whatever you do. You often tend to misunderstand this and hence miserable. If you make someone happy, happiness would chase you. But, if you hurt, you would also get hurt. It applies to every aspect of your life. - Rules of Nature are exactly same, regardless of your status.
Nature can only identify “plus (+)” and “minus (-)” and it cannot differentiate or discriminate between strong or weak, rich or poor, famous or failed etc. Formers in each of these pairs do right or positive things and hence, Nature helps and latter ones generally do negative things, so nature hurts. The rules that apply to Bill Gates or Barack Obama, also apply to you. - Unlike micro level (particle or sub-particle), at macro level positive thoughts or karmas attract positive ones and repel negative ones. Vice versa is also true.
Therefore, hopes would bring you happiness; worry would only bring you woes. Why you often hear “love for all”, because then you would be liked and loved by all. Hate would only increase hatred. - Our very existence is contingent to presence of positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong.
These would always co-exist in pairs. Importance of pleasure does not come without pain; relevance of day light comes from darkness in night. Crucial is to hold positives and keep negatives away. You can manage this well, when you accept this fact, respect positives and don’t react against negatives. - Your past memories consist of 2 components – information and emotions. It is past emotions, which is cause of your pains or problems.
Past information is important to build your knowledge and intellect. Past emotions bring you envy, ego, anger, anxiety, lust, greed…
A morning newspaper has tremendous value till you gather information and your emotions get evoked. You would retain information, since it is valuable; but you would trash newspaper after reading and that is what you need to do with your earlier emotions! Emotions are relevant only in the present!! - Path, by which you go up, is always different than the path by which you come down or fall.
Therefore, make sure that you are worthy, before you take upward journey. Choose your steps mindfully; otherwise your fall could be very steep. - Your technical or hard skills are no more than computer hardware, which is only run by software of “your consciousness and character, moral and ethical values”.
Normally, we focus on hardware, making software frail. So, most end up with keep applying patches and make it pathetic! Both needs to be equally strong, but with a bias towards latter and have to go hand in hand. - When you excel, you get exposed to adversity! If you become gullible, adversity would grip you.
History is privy to innumerable instances. Bill Clinton, at his peak during 2nd US Presidential term, Tiger Woods or Rajat Gupta could not escape this.
But, you CAN, if you follow these dozen facts with all fervor and force!
So, life in 2013…
- Presents to you infinite possibilities.
- Helps you to make a real difference.
- Tells you are uniquely empowered by nature.
Whether you believe or not, these facts are verified and re-verified and hence would stand tall. You make a Choice – whether you want to believe these and add life in year 2013 and beyond or otherwise, just add another calendar year to your life!
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