Tag: Excel
Monumental Mistake many make by not quitting at correct time!
Humans are infested by inertia and love to do what they have been doing. One fine day, they start facing issues, crises, stagnancy and decay. Often, the cause their troubles is that they had stuck around the place way too long and ignored the signals their surroundings were giving to quit and seek change! It…
A Dozen Facts that can Dramatically Change Your Life in 2013 for Good!
May be you already know these; but did not do anything. Then, do it now. Or you do not know these, then know now and act! Time is today. If you wait for tomorrow, you may only keep waiting!! Here below are the facts, which can truly revolutionize the way you have been living your…
What makes you to Excel in Adversity!
After World War 2, economic and living conditions in Germany and Japan were in shambles. People and some leaders of these 2 countries excelled in the face of extreme challenges and achieved what is labeled as mystical and miraculous recovery. That catapulted both countries to be among top 5 economic power houses of world then.…
Why current leadership programs create more Euphoria than Leaders
Globally, leadership development receives prime focus and priority. We need leaders in every sphere of activities, business or profession. But, we always face dearth of true leaders. Innumerable professional companies around the world have developed leadership training and development programs. Many Corporates have done a good job to develop their in-house programs. Some have as…