Can your Genes make you Genius?

Is ability to become a genius a genetic phenomenon? None from family of Albert Einstein, who was undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses, parents or grandparents, was known to be genius in any field. From his first wife, who also studied science, he had 1 daughter and 2 sons. But, none of Einstein’s children did anything spectacular in their profession. Another notable genius – Isaac Newton had his parents with farming background and none in his family tree showed any sign of being genius. He did not get married.

Statistically, children of most geniuses that history has produced seem to be mediocre! It appears rare that a genius has given birth to another genius!!

So, what makes a genius?

Genes are only good to trigger a set of tendencies!

Can your genes predetermine what would be your character and competencies? Biology or physiology does not have a clear answer. Latest research shows that genes or DNA does have effect on your tendencies; but, these can undergo a change depending upon the environments, in which you grow or by practice, you could effect a change!

So, genes may prompt a person to have tendency of being creative, hyperactive possessive or destructive. A child of a scientist could be creative as well as possessive and could turn out to be a fashion designer. However, possessive tendency may not make her/him a genius or extra-ordinary, unless she/he endeavors to dilute this tendency!

Do geniuses have to be eccentric or abnormal?

There is a misconception in minds of many that a normal human being can’t be a genius. Paradoxically, historical data shows that most geniuses tend to be abnormal in their behavior. Problem essentially crops up from the fact that a genius tends to be highly passionate or even obsessed and insanely engaged with his/her field of activity to the extent that he/she starts to ignore feelings of other people and other attributes of a good life. This makes them isolated, unfriendly or uncanny!

To my knowledge, if a genius has balanced life and vibe, he/she would be far more effective and efficient! So, we need to drop the notion that a genius is likely to be eccentric; but to have unconventional thinking or style is perfectly in order!!

Can an average level IQ make you genius?

Contrary to popular belief, intelligence or IQ level has nothing to do with ingenuity! A genius would mostly likely not score high number in IQ test. In other words, a high IQ person is unlikely to be a genius! And ironically as also historically, emotional intelligence – EQ of a genius also tends to be low!!

Low IQ and EQ levels are what make a person ordinary! So, there is no reason why an ordinary person cannot be a genius!! But…. here below is the real catch:

  1. Science has so far not been able to figure out what makes a genius!
    It is busy measuring dimensions of parietal lobe of cerebral cortex and some other parts of human brain. They have done this for Einstein post his demise!!
    But, through this article, you have possibility to fathom how genius comes.
  2. Genius does not reside in genes, but in mind!
    But ironically, science does not know where exactly resides mind!!
    And, every normal human being has same power of mind!!!
  3. To be genius:
    1. You need no preconceived notion!
    2. You need to disbelieve known beliefs.
    3. You need to go off-track.
    4. You need to think freely, yet focus within a predefined perimeter.
    5. You need to be free from fear and fallacies.
    6. You need to think diverse but dedicatedly.
    7. You need to be passionate, but never prisoner of your own or others’ thoughts.
    8. You need to believe in impossible.
    9. You need to have deep sense of a purpose and single minded pursuit!

Now, choose an area you want to be genius in!


2 responses to “Can your Genes make you Genius?”

  1. Rudra Avatar

    True! It is not obligatory that your genes can make you genius.

    Completely agree with your section – “Do geniuses have to be eccentric or abnormal?”

    Yes, every normal human being has same power of mind and hence it comes down to the use…… use of your ever so prodigious mind, that decides whether you can be that ostensible Genius or not.

    A genius post truly!! 🙂


    1. Murli Avatar

      Thanks a lot for your complementary views!

      Very key is the recognition that Every normal human being has same power of mind! It is not that a genius or very intelligent person has extra power; it is just that he/she uses it more productively.

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