Tag: EQ
Let easy access to every information not impair, but improve your intellectual abilities!
Intellectual abilities far outweigh your technical competence, educational qualifications, experience or general knowledge/information. If someone stands out of the crowd, it ought to do something with his/her intellectual abilities. Ability to analyze, rationalize, empathize, reason-out, lead, innovate, create, anticipate and foresight comes from your intellect! Intellectual abilities have more to do with your EQ (emotional…
Can your Genes make you Genius?
Is ability to become a genius a genetic phenomenon? None from family of Albert Einstein, who was undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses, parents or grandparents, was known to be genius in any field. From his first wife, who also studied science, he had 1 daughter and 2 sons. But, none of Einstein’s children did…
Forgiving is never complete without Forgetting & combination of both makes you look Fantastic!
I believe this topic is very critical to all of us! Mistakes, wrong things or even blunders do happen by everybody (Let us keep criminal acts out of purview of our discussion here). Whatever you may do, you cannot eliminate; at the most you can minimize these. On the other hand, these are part and parcel of our…
Is it Difficult to manage Difficult Boss (or People)?
Yes, if you believe it is difficult, it would be. And if you can learn to manage, you would find it simple! Difficult people, bosses included, are all around the globe and there is definite reason, why the class of bosses is often like that. What I am sharing below applies to both, who is…