Biggest worry of a man is his future – what would or can happen to me or those dear to me! This worry converts into curiosity. Deep desire in predicting future or fortune has led to development of several subjects or techniques like astrology, palmistry, numerology, zodiac signs, tarot reading and several more. Practitioners of such techniques claim accuracy of these. They believe future of every individual is already defined from the time of birth! Leave alone individuals; they include company, community, city or even country in their forecasts for future e.g. date and exact time of a country’s independence plays a key role in determining its progress or perils!
Would it not be a wonderful idea, if a scientist can know in advance outcome of his/her research; a student can know in beginning of a year the result of his/her examinations or a company can know how would its balance sheet look like 5 years from hence!
Fallacies around foretelling!
If anything can be predicted accurately, it does mean that it has been predefined. If that be the case, then a student foretold about his success should get it, even if he does not study. But, that would not work! If a businessman has been told that he would make lot of money in the running year, then he should earn it without even doing business. Again, that looks impossible.
It clearly implies that your future is not predefined. All of foretelling techniques demand that you make efforts as usual – sweat, toil or take risks. Whatever you would do, outcome would be either success or failure. These techniques seem to just pick one of the 2 probabilities.
Few years back, one of my relatives told me about a doctorate scientist, who also practiced astrology as his hobby and made very accurate predictions. I requested my relative if he could arrange my meeting with him. When I met him, I requested him to tell me what exactly is behind astrology and is it really scientifically sacrosanct?
He told me confidentially that when he meets his client, in first few sentences of conversation, he is able to, by his gut feel or instincts, figure out his/her strengths and weaknesses. From astrology, he has learnt how to relate some tendencies of events, which happens to a person, by positions of planets. He was not sure whether there is any scientific truth behind that. From these 2 aspects, he arrives at his best judgment (or guess) and conveys it to client as forecast of his future!
Technique of “future or fortune telling” seems more about the way of telling it!
Does it sound weird? But, it is true!
If you closely observe, you would find 2 characteristics invariably in what you are foretold – (a) one who tells does it very confidently and (b) language used is such that it can be interpreted more than one ways.
Eagerness or anxiety to know future is a mental weakness. So, above way of foretelling is most likely to go down in your head firmly and easily become your belief. If you are told that this year is not good for your health, you would start noticing how often you are falling sick, forgetting how often you are feeling well. Your conviction in what has been foretold makes you conscious and that becomes the onset of more issues. Even if you are not falling sick more often than prior years, you would tend to believe it so!
You fail to fathom what is “Now or Present”; so how can you figure out future?
Now, this is for real! This is scientific!! Be open to believe it.
No one can ever state what is “Now or Present”! “Now” can only be experienced; but cannot be told!! By the time you get ready, however fast, to tell what is now, it becomes past!!
Everything that you tell is actually a past. So, where comes future from? Science i.e. physics has not been able a get any grip of future so far. All mathematical calculations, astronomical observations or thoughts about future that we contemplate or comprehend are permutations and combinations of past images or information!
Here is a new revelation from my research – “There is nothing like Future that exists at this moment or now!” None of scientific experiments has been able to find future. Yes, it can talk of current trends or tendencies and compute what and where an object would position as the time passes by. Note that it is a computation by mind or math.; but not a future by itself. Feeling of future comes when we migrate from present event to next event; but it does not mean the said next event already pre-existed as future!
Classified Conclusions
- There is no place in Universe, where “Future” is located or has been predefined.
Therefore, to claim that future can be foretold is not correct. - 100% of what we talk or discuss is “Past”!
Past is nothing but images or information stored in our brain. - Now or present tense can only be experienced.
- Past brings pleasures and pains; highs and lows!
But, it is present that makes you happy and hopeful!! - There is nothing like future.
It is just a term, which we use to define our thoughts which did not exist in our past; but we use our past to create such thoughts!
One can only assess or compute probabilities and trends for upcoming events, which we construe as future!! - What we think, do or experience now determines what would happen next, which we call as future!
Nearly all of us have very coarse knowledge of what are we thinking and doing now!!
So, we need to live by and know “Now” to fathom the “Future”.
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