Tag: Fate
Nature demands balancing; else we end up paying through our nose!
US was recently hit by one of the severest snow storms, affecting 80 Million people across 20 states and causing serious disruptions and damages. On 26-December- 2004, world was shaken by great Indian Ocean tsunami, which had released energy equivalent of 23,000 Hiroshima type atomic bombs, as per U.S. geological Survey and killing more than…
Is your future or fortune predefined; can same be predicted accurately?
Biggest worry of a man is his future – what would or can happen to me or those dear to me! This worry converts into curiosity. Deep desire in predicting future or fortune has led to development of several subjects or techniques like astrology, palmistry, numerology, zodiac signs, tarot reading and several more. Practitioners of…
We live life searching Truths; but end up struggling with Myths! Why?
Our mind is most of the time preoccupied with “Why”, “What”, “When” or “How”, searching answers or seeking truths to solve our problems. Are truths hard to find or our approach makes it hard to fathom? Fact is that most truths are right under our nose; but we fail to see. We experience them routinely;…
Most failures come from first looking Forward and then Back; reverse sequence n see magic!
You often wonder why some people get successes after successes and others failures, despite putting same degree of efforts? Why some are very different and efficient than others, irrespective of having same intents and talents? Extensive study and observations show that there is a very fine dividing line; split second’s difference in the directions and…