You come across some people, who are very smart and strong or cultured and caring. Then, you bump into people, who are highly dynamic but dreaded like dynamite! You enamor those, who are very successful and rich. But, you don’t like those, who are controversial and complaining types. There are many, who eat healthy food and have healthy habits; but their health is not on their side. But then there are others, who cannot afford healthy food; however, they enjoy good health.
What makes people so diverse, even if they are brought up in similar environments? Let us look at what studies on subject suggest:
Researchers in San Diego, USA examined life records of about 30,000 Chinese-Americans about 2 years back and compared with randomly selected 400,000 white people. They found that Chinese-American die significantly earlier by as much as 5 years, particularly those attached to traditional Chinese superstitions! Their research revealed that it is not because of genetic factors or life style, but belief of Chinese-Americans that they would die younger, since stars have hexed them and that manifests in shorter life span!
A TIME magazine special issue sometimes back had showed that happiness, hopefulness and contentment reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cold and upper respiratory infections. Now, imagine the looks and physique of people, who are happy and hopeful; they are bound to be ones, you would love!
Look at some of the speakers at TED Talks. Those, who impress you most, would have healthy body, impressive body language and well balanced. Ones, who sound boisterous, would be seen by you as toxic and others with blemish tones would look terrible to you!
Makeup of your body reflects makeup of your mind and vice versa!
Look at some real life observations:
- Body of flexible natured people is supple; whereas rigid people have stiff body, which gradually develops muscle and joint pains.
- Chest of confident people opens well, they automatically breathe well and sleep well. On other hand, people with anxiety sweat more, lose body water and sleep, and their skin becomes slack over time.
- Facial skin of serene people is tight and that of stressed people develops wrinkles or lines early hood.
- People with lot of biases develop allergies frequently, which eventually weaken their immune system.
- Short tempered or sensitive people catch cold and infections often and impair their body language!
- If you accumulate tension over longer time, you would tag along host of problems from numbness to cancer.
- People with toxic nature are known to produce more toxins in their body!
Your thoughts and body work in sync!
If you believe that your thoughts and body work independently, you are grossly mistaken. Scientific and clinical fact is mind through its thoughts impacts brain and brain passes that impact to rest of our body through neurotransmitters. Our thoughts and body have bidirectional communication via neurotransmitters.
So, your thoughts affect your body instantly, though most people do not realize it immediately. Generally, when such effect builds up, then you experience it. Check on following in your daily life:
- You get tired of working. So, you stop, take a break and try to relax. What is relaxation?
You create a thought to loosen your muscles or body. That thought triggers thru brain the neurotransmitters to reach parts of body, you want to relax – say shoulders or legs, direct more blood to circulate and loosen muscles/nerves around those parts. - You reach your office and learn that elevators are not working. Instantly, you feel tired merely by idea of climbing up staircase.
What is it? It is a thought, which connects your brain to body, specially legs and spine, and tightens muscles/nerves there and alter blood supply levels to give you a feeling of tiredness. - Some dreams in your sleep, which are nothing but uncontrolled thoughts, wake you up fresh and others create fatigue!
So, your thoughts make your body relaxed or restless. A relaxed body communicates back to your brain via neurotransmitters to create thought/s of pleasure. This is turn triggers body to release happy hormones like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin or Estrogen or mix of same!
On other hand, if your body is restless, it would trigger thought of pain, which would connect up to your emotions like irritation, anxiety or anger.
Connection of thoughts and body is your cutting edge!
It is costless but priceless. This is how it works:
- If you think well, your body does very well!
Wellness in your body would reward you back with rewarding thoughts or ideas. - If you think ill, your body would initiate illness!
Not that you would fall ill immediately; it is start of the process. Even God would not interfere in this, regardless how holy you are!! - Your brain memory and body anatomy keep full account of your plus and minus thoughts!
Your every thought – positive or negative – leaves its imprint on your memory and impacts your body via neurotransmitters. If it is 3 pluses and 2 minuses, what counts for your body is net impact – 1 plus and that is how it would build up in your body. Over time, you would experience its net good or bad effect. - Wrong thought for a right reason is wrong!
One of the biggest misnomers is I can do wrong for a right reason. Reacting wrongly for the cause of God, faith, society or nation is retrograde. Your body would suffer. Your body can only recognize plus and minus, not the rationale or justification behind your thinking! - What is at the back of your mind drives you most!
At back of your mind known as subconscious mind resides past memories i.e. knowledge/information + emotions. Normally, you have no clue how much goes on in your subconscious mind. You are consciously thinking or doing one thing; but you are subconsciously thinking something else.
Now, challenge is – you have impression of doing it right; but if at back of your mind things are not going right like anxiety, doubts or disappointment, then it correspondingly generates negative effect on your body. It is for this reason that you may exercise and take healthy diet but if thinking is unhealthy, you always get partial results!
It is best to be driven by your conscious mind, keep subconscious mind empty and secure best effect on your body!
So, shape your thoughts to shape your body accordingly! It is in your hands what you want to become – bold, beautiful, dynamic and/or debonair!!
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