It is good to be restless, if you don’t get rewards for your endeavors, as compared to those who like to rest on no or little rewards! At least that would shake you, encourage you to review what is wrong and possible inspire you to bring a change in your efforts or environments with a view to reap rewards for what you sweat and toil!! The latter lot of people, who shows patience or complacency for not getting what is due to them, clearly lives in comfort zones. That in any case would cause decline or degeneration of such people.
We are in a causal world. Nothing can happen without a cause. And a cause results into an effect. If the effects or results are not what you desire, there would not be heavenly hands coming to your rescue. Sometimes, effects or results may change by coincidence or fluke; but then such situation would not be repetitive. You would fall into the trap again. Probably, life of majority runs likes that – passing though phases of excitements and disappointments, successes and sorrows. Only remedy is to search and seek cause for not getting right fruits for your efforts and align your efforts accordingly.
Above is true for any type of work, business or profession.
Causes for lack of or little rewards
There is nothing like a bad luck preventing due rewards to come to you! There has to be at least one of the following reasons:
- Gap in your understanding of what would give you reward as opposed to that of who is supposed to give it – your boss, supervisor or customer.
Zero down this gap through candid discussions and modify your efforts, if need be. If you are averse to such discussion, then you cannot blame anyone. - You have a wrong boss or customer.
If your attempts and analysis is genuine that you are in wrong hands, be bold to seek a change of your supervisor or customer. A caution – a customer is generally not wrong; instead you could be wrong in selecting customers. - You are in a wrong company.
Watch out culture and genes of your employer. You cannot rule out possibility of such organizations, which do not believe in motivating and rewarding their employees. If that be your well thought conclusion, then quit plan fully by searching and securing another job. If you do not do that, you are clearly in comfort zone, which in any case would pull you down. - Your efforts are not good enough or in right direction.
Watch out on this. Very often, you hold wrong perceptions or rigid notions on how you should work. For example – you do hard work without paying due attention to end results. May be that it is resulting in poor quality or more time due to wrong or inefficient approach. What is the use of such hard work and expectation of awards for same?
You need to continuously correct the direction and degree of your efforts to ensure that required results are yielded in minimum energy i.e. least time and work! - You are obsessed with effects.
I have come across many people, who are too focused or obsessed for end results or effects. There are cases, where people confuse their ideas or imagination for end results as their inspiration. That is self-defeating!
Top management of many corporations ruthlessly drives for results; but do not show direction to their folks how to get there. This is retrograde.
It is a must to convert obsession for effects to focus on efforts. - There is gap between your desire and doings.
Aspirations of several people are high but corresponding actions are low. How can that work?
So, your expectations and efforts must match each other; these should be complementary! - You know what is good; but don’t go after it!
This is a stigma, many people suffer from. Most people know what is good and would deliver results. But, that remains only part of their intentions and never translates into implementation!
So, it is entirely your hands to reap rewards from your efforts by establishing first the cause and then securing effects by suitably changing degree and direction of your endeavors!
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