[Caveat – This is not meant to be a criticism! It is to bring on the table, what is not right in the most Corporates worldwide at all levels, so that Management, Managers and Employees have a better bait to notice and take measures to mend. Observations are based upon extensive study, research and experience.]
Most Corporates do put in place programs and processes like Six Sigma, TQM, Lean etc., vision and mission, training and development initiatives for employees. Lot of good and right things happens as a result.
Yet, many things still go wrong. Which are those?
Vision and Mission statements
It is common for Corporates to have imaginative Vision and Mission statements. These usually carry a great message, with great call to action. How many in the organization really understand the real meaning behind such statements? If they indeed do, then their character and culture would have to change, which does not seem to be the case!
It is often seen, top management leaves it for employees to understand. This is not good enough. Vision and Mission of the company require push and passion, employees need to be explained the intent and content, encouraged to imbibe and implement.
At Top Management level
Following areas need attention and action:
- 70 to 80% of top executives lack direct contacts with employees and customers. Hence, their information on market pulse and company environment is secondary and censored.
- They often confuse “confidently or aggressively speaking managers” as “leaders”, even when they (managers) lack depth in caliber and competence.
- They like to set stretch targets; but remain silent on direction to get there.
- Their likes and dislikes often control the choice for blue eyed boys or back-ups.
- They often do not make distinction, while evaluating performance of a manager; on how much contribution came from “favorable market conditions, requiring little efforts” and how much from “his/her own effectiveness and efforts”.
- They talk of freedom for feedback; but dislike dissent.
- They tend to lend greater ear to those, who find flaws than those, who find virtues. Therefore, stronger opinions are built around negative information.
- Many proclaim their organization to be bottom-up; but they keep driving top down.
- Most cases, the criteria for good performance are figures; no or little credit for value creation.
That is where Toxic Managers, who deliver figures, find favor and damage inflicted by them to company atmosphere, go with impunity! - Most would criticize their managers for failures; very few would be critical for their own!
- More than 90% talk of popular themes “Change”, “Passion”, “Empathy”, “People orientation”; but they lack conviction to walk these talks.
Let us look at intention to drive a Change. Its implementation could mean change in company culture, strategy, business model or processes and most importantly, the way employees think and work, to align with company objectives. Change has to start from self and go down to people for securing sure success. Does that get a top priority?
At Unit Head or Managerial level
They need to pay attention to:
- Amount of time to prepare plans and presentations to top management is completely disproportionate to time they invest to implement.
- In event of failures or shortfalls, most find flaws with market conditions and/or competitors.
- Most consider Quality as requirements for compliance and certification and least as a mission. Hence, organizations seldom accrue real benefit from Quality System.
- Selection of High Potential employees by managers usually is based 80% on their liking or comfort and barely 20% on merit.
- Managerial courage and entrepreneurial skills are usually their weak points.
- Most love empowerment and open- mindedness; but give lip service, when it comes to doing it.
- They expect to get respect from employees and would do little to earn it.
- Their empathy for employees generally goes with suspicion – if more is done for employees, it would increase their appetite to expect more.
- Often gap is seen in what they think or mean, speak and do, though they advise and advocate transparency.
- If sub-ordinate under-performs, more than 90% managers feel that nothing is attributable to them.
- Nearly all like to hold the hands of strong performers, who do not need hand-holding. Weaker ones need it; but do not get it.
At Employee level
They need to notice and nudge following:
- Majority does not like to drive; instead allow them to be driven.
- Compliance to ethics and other policies by more than 95% employees is by fear and not by choice. This is where true value of such policies is never unleashed.
- Most are bugged by “Neighbor’s Syndrome”. Their perceptions build or break depending upon what happens or goes with neighbor.
- Very little focus on communication skills and how to carry self.
- They often undermine their hidden potential. They need to use their training and development programs to unravel it.
- Many show impatience in getting more opportunities, even when they are not ready.
- When their personal growth expectations are not met, most would feel dissatisfied; but hesitate to have a dialog with supervisor on what they need to do to get there.
- There is more focus on results and rewards than efforts to become eligible for those.
- Most do not realize the importance of “attention to details”.
- Learning and leveraging lessons get low priority.
- “Change” is the biggest opportunity, which they often waste, since it is treated as a topic to talk; but not transform self.
Take Aways –
- Processes are only platitudes, unless 100% practiced in letter n spirit.
- Intentions remain imaginary, unless implemented with full faith n fervor.
- Compliance by choice n not by fear can only unleash true value of the system.
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