Tag: Realities
Whom to listen and follow – your heart or head?
Your spontaneous response probably would be – I should follow my heart! This is what you have heard, read or been told time and again by your role models, mentors, teachers or gurus, well known authors or leaders!! But, can you exactly pin point – this is the voice or thought from my heart and…
Simple but unique n universal rules no one can escape or evade!
Our day to day life is governed by very simple but strong rules, which apply to the most powerful – US President – to the poorest person on this planet! Very few have noticed these rules. These are as if framed by the creator of universe; but one thing is certain – these rules are…
Nothing can be sustained in steady state; so what’s in your hands!
When going is good, everyone would like it to keep going! But, then soon, you would get tired, bored or jittery, much as you would not like it happen and your rendezvous with gala time comes to an end. You are happy that most of your customers are highly satisfied with you and believe that…
Throes of a dilemma – to be thick or thin skin!
Consciously or unconsciously, everyone faces predicament that in a given situation, to be sensitive (thin skin) or insensitive (thick skin)! Trend of sensitiveness is set by one’s genes; but it is very much possible to alter it by making conscious efforts and practice. A right degree of sensitiveness helps a lot in your relationship, liaison,…
One master key that can open many doors of opportunities!
Most of us would like host of opportunities to come our way. We would like have highly remunerative job in hand, be able to change to better employer when needed, dream home to live in, fabulous vacation at bargain price and so on. However, sometimes we get those and other times, we have to be…
Deep impact of media, machines and medicines defining you more than your mind!
Mantra of modern times, which most of us are apparently unconscious of, seems to be that media, machines and medicines have a dominant role in man’s life and role of his mind may diminish! Various forms of media (social, TV to print), machines and medicines (3Ms) have taken a place next to only divine and…
Many try to trade off good karmas with grim ones; does that work?
Karma is a relatively new addition to English dictionary; so for the sake of clarity, let me explain its basic meaning. Karma means one’s deeds, doings or thoughts and effect, which one would experience as a result of the same. Our life embodies karma and therefore, life and karma are inseparable. Karma is completely secular…
Is Murphy’s Law a Myth, as it reveals one side of Reality; but not the opposite?
Murphy’s is one law, which has very simple statement; but with profound implications and interpretations! In its initial form (there are various versions introduced later), it states that “If anything can go wrong — it will”. This law has deep rooted impact on corporate and common lives. Unfortunate part is that most of us tend…
The biggest bug of Corporates – Complexities!
Most corporates around world have no clue how complexities are silently and systematically killing them. Factually speaking, the killer bug has been inflicting damage to our private life and the most of public or private institutions too! Look at processes, procedures, policies, perceptions, behavior, basic needs and thinking, compare with what was prevalent say 5…
Greatest Equation of Nature: You get = What you give
Science and mathematics have given us innumerable equations, which have immense impact on our life; but nothing is more influential and imposing than nature’s own equation: You get = What you give! The relevance and ramifications of this equation are colossal. It is so deeply ingrained in our day to day life; yet research shows…