Tag: Greed
Six leadership lessons highly worth learning from psychology of a physician
We all know that medical practice in any field is a noble profession; but what is little known are unique lessons that we should learn from the mindset of a medical practitioner. We are talking about just a good physician, leave alone successful ones. Let us look at what does psychology of a physician teach…
Whom to listen and follow – your heart or head?
Your spontaneous response probably would be – I should follow my heart! This is what you have heard, read or been told time and again by your role models, mentors, teachers or gurus, well known authors or leaders!! But, can you exactly pin point – this is the voice or thought from my heart and…
Nature demands balancing; else we end up paying through our nose!
US was recently hit by one of the severest snow storms, affecting 80 Million people across 20 states and causing serious disruptions and damages. On 26-December- 2004, world was shaken by great Indian Ocean tsunami, which had released energy equivalent of 23,000 Hiroshima type atomic bombs, as per U.S. geological Survey and killing more than…
Creativity and Innovativeness come, when we kill fear and create freedom!
All of us need to be a good manager, supervisor or go getter; but that alone is not be good enough to keep us going. After a certain point, we experience a level of saturation, things appear to have come to a plateau or we face a knot. What was motivating becomes monotonous; excitement ebbs…
Why on becoming wealthy, you tend to work either for Greed or God!
Let us first understand meaning of wealthy here. It means anything which is in excess of your needs – be it money, means, wisdom, talent or skills. There are very few, who inherit wealth in all forms. If someone inherits lot of money, he/she could be short of wisdom or skills, or vice versa. Dearth…
How a role model can mold your persona!
When you get highly impressed with someone for one or more times, you have tendency to choose him/her consciously or unconsciously as your role model. At this point of time, World Football Cup fever is at its top and has caught fancy of millions. Several sports lovers have or would choose their role models; but…
Wake up call – halfway life, most of us live, brings more woes than we believe!
To be very frank, most of us do not even live halfway; whereas life is our own – very personal and we should be living it full! Who stops us; what prevents us? Paradox is most of us believe that a full life means experiencing a bit of everything! No; full life means doing things,…
Good has limits; but bad knows none!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ When going is good, we see no limit! Then, a stage comes when we start to take U turn. Good starts to become grim be it growth, success or relationship. Our belief that sky is the only limit gets grounded! To be truthful, “Sky is the limit” is only a phrase. Contrary to popular…
If you want to make impact, don’t mistake your Emotions as Inspiration!
[By the way, this is 100th article on this website and contains a new discovery with rights reserved; but please follow it since it can help you immensely!] Emotions are always overwhelming, overpowering and captivating. These drive you to act or respond. This is what precisely inspiration also does. That brings utter confusion in the…
How can you tame and translate your troubles/problems into opportunities!
Without exception, all leadership disciplines and discourses delve and coax you to see opportunity in very problem. You agree and resolve to do so; yet, you keep getting troubled and overwhelmed by problems. You helplessly watch one problem bringing another and make you more frustrated! Why is that all leadership, sane or saintly advices keep…