Tag: Unleash
How to save and make your day!
There are days, when you get up in morning with weird feelings and cannot figure out what is wrong. Events, which unfold on such days, keep you on the edge. You do not see most things going right; get a feeling that time is slipping out and opportunities being squandered by you! There are other…
Like to be a real Leader? Create Contemporaries & not Followers!
Not sure, which subject is as extensively covered worldwide as “Leadership”. There are floods of articles by acclaimed to amateur people, development programs by management gurus, spate of theories, case studies and jargons on leadership. That shows its enormous importance and emphasis of top order. However, all of these have only created euphoria and excitement;…
Monumental Mistake many make by not quitting at correct time!
Humans are infested by inertia and love to do what they have been doing. One fine day, they start facing issues, crises, stagnancy and decay. Often, the cause their troubles is that they had stuck around the place way too long and ignored the signals their surroundings were giving to quit and seek change! It…
When you are on throes of a Dilemma….
Everyone faces dilemma of varying degree at one time or another. Some dilemmas make you dumb or dazed e.g. You work with high degree of dedication, dynamism and diligence and one fine morning your boss comes to tell that you are not a good fit. You discover that your best friend has been digging under…
Beauty beneath Managing Conflicts
Managing conflicts external to you Have a Heart, not hammer to manage. If a conflict shows up, do not shoot it down or resist; but accept. Use restrain and not reaction. Analyze and understand genesis of conflicts, with no biases and prejudices. Work to extinguish emotions behind conflict. Open line of communication with all, listen…