Tag: Rationale
Whom to listen and follow – your heart or head?
Your spontaneous response probably would be – I should follow my heart! This is what you have heard, read or been told time and again by your role models, mentors, teachers or gurus, well known authors or leaders!! But, can you exactly pin point – this is the voice or thought from my heart and…
Fine dividing line between Passion and Obsession or Dogma/Doctrine!
On the face of it, this topic may not be very interesting to you. But hang on a bit and think it over – you want to do what you love or you want to love what you do? Which of the 2 options you choose can make a difference of day and night! If…
What to do when you want to break free from all barriers!
There are occasions, when you just want to break free; you want to rebel against all practices and polity, reject rules and rituals; dump duties and discipline; you are so agitated that nothing seems to satisfy you! Have you faced this kind of situation or state of your mind? I have witnessed in many people…
Is there any alternative to being fair and good?
If a sub-ordinate commits a mistake, supervisor is up in arms, gets angry, reprimands, issues a warning and develops adverse opinion against him/her. On other hand, sub-ordinate reacts and regrets working under such boss. Both think that they are right in what they perceive and do! Issue escalates until a flash point, when the sub-ordinate…
Unique relevance of Unclear and Uncertain Areas in setting and netting your goals!
If Lionel Messi of Barcelona club, who has been rated as the best soccer player today in the world, knows exactly how to break defense of opposite teams and score a goal, he would no longer be the best nor would he have thrill to play. If his tactics are clear and definable, he can…
When you are on throes of a Dilemma….
Everyone faces dilemma of varying degree at one time or another. Some dilemmas make you dumb or dazed e.g. You work with high degree of dedication, dynamism and diligence and one fine morning your boss comes to tell that you are not a good fit. You discover that your best friend has been digging under…