Tag: Preacher
Is God elsewhere or everywhere?
Most believers believe God is there but elsewhere. They don’t know where exactly this “Elsewhere” is. They often tend to look or point at sky, which is supposedly be having the heavenly abode. Notwithstanding the above, believers seek God at the chosen places of worship; they search him is statues, figures, photos and other objects…
Materialism always matters to man, since at its root is mathematics!
Do you know why sane and saintly advises to shun materialism have proved to be futile always? It is plain and simple – seed of materialism had been sown by mathematics and mathematics is integral part of our life and therefore, it can’t go away in practical life; in ideal life – possibly! Money, modern…
Whom to listen and follow – your heart or head?
Your spontaneous response probably would be – I should follow my heart! This is what you have heard, read or been told time and again by your role models, mentors, teachers or gurus, well known authors or leaders!! But, can you exactly pin point – this is the voice or thought from my heart and…
Why we forget what we want to remember; but remember more which we want to forget!
Does it not happen to you often what you want to remember for sure, you are more likely to forget; but the opposite does not happen for what you really want to forget – it haunts you more? There are countless real life examples. You suddenly cannot remember name of known persons or places. You…
Aspire to be a Role Model? Go harder on Soft Skills and softer on Hard Skills!
MBA, Engineering, Medical or any other discipline degrees and technical part of experience can make you a model; but not role model! These give you hard skills and knowledge in a given field, enable you to enter an organization or profession; but take you further only to a limited level!! What really helps you is…
Like to be a real Leader? Create Contemporaries & not Followers!
Not sure, which subject is as extensively covered worldwide as “Leadership”. There are floods of articles by acclaimed to amateur people, development programs by management gurus, spate of theories, case studies and jargons on leadership. That shows its enormous importance and emphasis of top order. However, all of these have only created euphoria and excitement;…
The biggest bug of Corporates – Complexities!
Most corporates around world have no clue how complexities are silently and systematically killing them. Factually speaking, the killer bug has been inflicting damage to our private life and the most of public or private institutions too! Look at processes, procedures, policies, perceptions, behavior, basic needs and thinking, compare with what was prevalent say 5…
Majority show sincerity n goodness out of fear or serving self!
Jury from extensive research is out – the truth is what above caption speaks. There is a clear case to search your soul. A very high percentage of people – more than 90%, believe or make others to believe that they are sincere and good; but they display these qualities in public or private, corporates…