Tag: Perceptions
Mind boggling effect of thoughts on our being, body and its built!
A study by scientists of Swansea and Milan Universities of people in various age groups has concluded that those, who spent too much time on internet, are more susceptible to caching cold and flu. Internet addicted people suffer from stress, when they are disconnected with internet. Cycle of relief and stress that they go through…
Me, my heart and mind – how different these are!
This topic touches everyone’s heart and/or mind. Very frequently, we say “Oh, my mind created this mess! What can I do?”; “My mind says don’t love this person; but, my heart says, I should!”; “I want to let it go; however, my mind does not allow me to do so”. In these statements, we separate…
Can you live happily ever after?
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ Prince got married to the princess and they lived happily ever after! Story ends here. If you get relegated in history at the time of your happy moments, you are supposed to have lived happily thereafter, since no one has further information about your life!! Does that happen in reel or real life? First…
Good has limits; but bad knows none!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ When going is good, we see no limit! Then, a stage comes when we start to take U turn. Good starts to become grim be it growth, success or relationship. Our belief that sky is the only limit gets grounded! To be truthful, “Sky is the limit” is only a phrase. Contrary to popular…
Hard work doesn’t give shine; being smart and savvy do!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ Hard work in any walk of life is desirable; but that is not good enough to give you the required visibility, shine and success! There are regular debates, at times acrimonious ones; whether employees of an organization should work hard and long hours as opposed to what is smart working. Most corporate managers take…
Everyone wants to be Short and Sweet; but how to be!
Universally, everybody agrees being short and sweet works well; but he/she often lands up being long and lingering! There are 2 schools of thoughts – one believes in being comprehensive and second puts its faith on being concise. Former invariably tends to become complex and then, people generally repel or react. Latter, when overtly conscious…
Learning has no limits; either you live by it or it leaves you!
All of us know what is “Learning” and would say – oh, that’s very simple! Irony is that there are not many, who have a right understanding or do a right job!! It is because of that, most of us don’t have real taste of learning! Learning is one of few things, which has very…