Tag: Mentor

  • World seems to promote random thinking and remembering; but that actually demotes you!

    World seems to promote random thinking and remembering; but that actually demotes you!

    Pick up popular articles on personality development. One of the traits they encourage you to develop is to entertain random thoughts for innovativeness and creativity. Mentors or coaches would surmise that uncontrolled thoughts are pre-requisite to out-of-box thinking! Godmen, gurus and preachers would exhort you to keep god’s name on your tongue and picturize him…

  • One master key that can open many doors of opportunities!

    One master key that can open many doors of opportunities!

    Most of us would like host of opportunities to come our way. We would like have highly remunerative job in hand, be able to change to better employer when needed, dream home to live in, fabulous vacation at bargain price and so on. However, sometimes we get those and other times, we have to be…

  • Creativity and Innovativeness come, when we kill fear and create freedom!

    Creativity and Innovativeness come, when we kill fear and create freedom!

    All of us need to be a good manager, supervisor or go getter; but that alone is not be good enough to keep us going. After a certain point, we experience a level of saturation, things appear to have come to a plateau or we face a knot. What was motivating becomes monotonous; excitement ebbs…

  • Strange but true – good writing, speaking and execution skills seldom coexist!

    Strange but true – good writing, speaking and execution skills seldom coexist!

    You need ideas to write, you need ideas to speak and you need those to execute; yet research and surveys show these 3 skills normally do not exist together! Pick the names of great authors, barring few exceptions, by and large they were not great communicators. Take examples of effective corporate mentors, they make poor…

  • It is not a responsible behavior of bosses, when they bat for their blue eyed boys/girls!

    It is not a responsible behavior of bosses, when they bat for their blue eyed boys/girls!

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ Bosses in any organization are supposed to be role models for their employees! They need to be fair, flexible and equitable in their dealings with employees. A healthy relationship between supervisors and sub-ordinates promotes pride for employees, enjoyable work place, high efficiency and harmonious growth. But in real life of most organizations, all what…

  • Most managers fail to graduate to good leadership, since their most qualities are opportunistic!

    Often company management and its HR folks fail to notice how behavioral pattern of employees undergo a change as they move up the ladder. Jerry (name changed) was an employee of a well-known multinational company. During early phase of his career, he was reasonable, rational and great team player. When he graduated to become supervisor,…

  • Your Barriers mainly come from your Notions, Perceptions and Traits

    In Corporate and elsewhere, we always talk of barriers and the need to overcome these. But unfortunately, in none of the debates, discussions or development programs it is brought out what makes barriers to surface and how to manage those. The main source for barriers is your own Notions, Perceptions and Traits (NPT). Are you…

  • Majority show sincerity n goodness out of fear or serving self!

    Jury from extensive research is out – the truth is what above caption speaks. There is a clear case to search your soul. A very high percentage of people – more than 90%, believe or make others to believe that they are sincere and good; but they display these qualities in public or private, corporates…

  • Myths about Mentoring in Corporates

    I doubt that Employer and Employees world over realize that good mentoring is not only a great passage to great career and personal growth; but also great for company’s growth! Few years back, I was requested by my overseas HR colleague to mentor one of high potential employees working in our company’s unit in a…

  • Beauty beneath Managing Conflicts

    Managing conflicts external to you Have a Heart, not hammer to manage. If a conflict shows up, do not shoot it down or resist; but accept. Use restrain and not reaction. Analyze and understand genesis of conflicts, with no biases and prejudices. Work to extinguish emotions behind conflict. Open line of communication with all, listen…