Tag: Illusion
Simple but unique n universal rules no one can escape or evade!
Our day to day life is governed by very simple but strong rules, which apply to the most powerful – US President – to the poorest person on this planet! Very few have noticed these rules. These are as if framed by the creator of universe; but one thing is certain – these rules are…
Thinking for others’ good actually does much good to you; vice versa if it is bad!
When you wish well for your near and dear or pray for someone’s recovery from poor state of health, you always imagine or wish that it reaches that person, however remote she or he may be! Lot of research has been conducted whether wishing or praying for someone’s wellbeing helps her/him or not. Praying for…
Biggest blunder in our world – dealing with “wrong” by going wrong!
To deal with what has gone wrong, we tend to adopt wrong ways! Most of us feel justified in doing so and in that process, we go more wrong and commit more blunders!! Above self-justification usually comes in 2 ways: Justifying what one does is in our DNA. Therefore, we generally don’t care whether our…
Nothing can be sustained in steady state; so what’s in your hands!
When going is good, everyone would like it to keep going! But, then soon, you would get tired, bored or jittery, much as you would not like it happen and your rendezvous with gala time comes to an end. You are happy that most of your customers are highly satisfied with you and believe that…
Is goodness good beyond a certain point?
If your answer is yes, it is not right! If your answer is no and you mean to turn to bad after that point, it is completely wrong!! If your answer is yes and you chose to be neutral – neither good nor bad – beyond that point, then only it is right!!! Here is…
Me, my heart and mind – how different these are!
This topic touches everyone’s heart and/or mind. Very frequently, we say “Oh, my mind created this mess! What can I do?”; “My mind says don’t love this person; but, my heart says, I should!”; “I want to let it go; however, my mind does not allow me to do so”. In these statements, we separate…
Greatest management technique is in mastering Murphy’s Law!
Ever since I released my 1st article about Murphy’s Law on 08-Aug-2013, I have been experimenting with this law and collecting data to establish its truths and myths and the way it impacts what we do. I wish to emphasize the law has very significant influence on our professional and personal lives, because a microscopic…
A significant single point resolution for New Year!
The best single point resolution for 2015 for you could be “not to trash older resolutions and tag along with yet new set of resolutions; instead review and reinforce the older ones!” There is lot of merits in doing so: If you have been making resolutions with dawn of New Years in the past and…
When being good is not good enough in your professional or personal life!
Are you one of those, who face dilemma time and again that they do their best; but their desires or dreams do not come through? You are sincere, serious and honest in your endeavors; yet, do you encounter disappointments that results are seldom up to your expectations? Does that leave you wondering and often frustrating…
Burden of being beautiful!
Is it not true that “Beauty is bliss”, “Beauty is blast” and “Beauty signifies the good”? Being beautiful is undoubtedly fascinating and a positive aspect – be it beautiful personality, physique, product, place to visit, phenomena of nature, characteristic or any other body/being! Look at advertisements of any product or service in print or social…