Tag: Charisma

  • Wish to make 2016 awe-inspiring? Make reverse resolutions!

    Wish to make 2016 awe-inspiring? Make reverse resolutions!

    When “what we are going through” approaches the end, we feel relieved and look forward to the turning point! Suddenly, we feel nostalgic, euphoric with burning desires and renewed hopes!! We like to bundle up the past and begin a new journey in the New Year. Casually or seriously, we resolve to do something that…

  • 9 unique but simple steps to build/boost your confidence!

    9 unique but simple steps to build/boost your confidence!

    Confidence is one quality, which you need universally at all times and spaces. You need it in board room or bed room; whether you are an interviewer or being interviewed; you are addressing an audience or asking a question; whether you are a supervisor or subordinate; you want to build a relationship or break it;…

  • When being good is not good enough in your professional or personal life!

    When being good is not good enough in your professional or personal life!

    Are you one of those, who face dilemma time and again that they do their best; but their desires or dreams do not come through? You are sincere, serious and honest in your endeavors; yet, do you encounter disappointments that results are seldom up to your expectations? Does that leave you wondering and often frustrating…

  • How serious you are, when you say sorry?

    How serious you are, when you say sorry?

    One of English words most extensively used by most people is “Sorry”. This word does a great job in deflecting problems faced by them, albeit temporarily! People use “Sorry” for a variety of reasons: To express regret or remorse for a mistake committed. To convey repentance for what you don’t think is a mistake; but…

  • Why profit or power pushes you near God; but loss pulls you down near grave!

    Why profit or power pushes you near God; but loss pulls you down near grave!

    Is not it ironical that inherently all leadership laurels, saintly sermons, pious preaching and quotable quotes revolve around values, virtues and quality; yet our addiction and admiration for profit and power always reign supreme? If a CEO of a company takes fat salary and bonus, a promoter garners millions of dollars of fund in initial…

  • Forgiving is never complete without Forgetting & combination of both makes you look    Fantastic!

    Forgiving is never complete without Forgetting & combination of both makes you look Fantastic!

    I believe this topic is very critical to all of us! Mistakes, wrong things or even blunders do happen  by everybody (Let us    keep criminal acts out of purview of our discussion here).  Whatever you may do,  you cannot eliminate; at the most you can minimize these. On the other hand, these are part and parcel of our…

  • Beauty and Banes of becoming or being Big!

    Beauty and Banes of becoming or being Big!

    Size and figures matter to all of us. Notion of what size or figures are appropriate or optimal varies from things to things. We would try to explore whether there could be a universal definition or norm for what is right. Companies, which are small in size, find it hard to survive in face of…

  • Why same medicine works but in new wrapper!

    Don’t mistake that meaning of title is same as “old wine in new bottle”; it’s much more! I had recommended one of my relatives a medical doctor to get treatment for her IBS problem. The doctor did not appeal to her and as things would have it, she did not find medicine prescribed to her…