Tag: Arrogance

  • Money – the best Mask for most Maladies!

    A man is known to have good chunk of money and participates in a marathon race for the cause of blind people, he becomes master of Universe! “Blind worship of wealth” seems to be what today’s media tends to project! On the darker side, same man also runs a cast iron foundry shop, where he…

  • You need right recipe to get great results; but getting addicted to it is regressing!

    Recipe of Bill Clinton was right during his 1st term as US President and therefore, he got success in getting elected for 2nd term, during which he apparently got addicted to it. Therefore, he failed to notice which ingredient of that recipe was going wrong and got into serious troubles in his relationships! Michael Dell…

  • Our worst Enemy is what we Embrace most – Ego & how to nab it!

    Most of us confuse ego as our pride or self-esteem and therefore, miserably fail to comprehend the damage ego inflicts on us! One would be amazed to note that this is more rampant in developed societies and countries!! I have encountered enumerable times the paradox that this very ego of people prevent them even to understand…

  • Why most Leaders and Legends fall!

    Today, we need to ask and answer 2 questions: Is it a nature’s law that leaders and legends would fall in any case? If one has to fall in any case, is it worth going up the ladder of leadership and legendary? It is a stark reality that what goes up, comes down; excellence brings…

  • Greatest Equation of Nature: You get = What you give

    Science and mathematics have given us innumerable equations, which have immense impact on our life; but nothing is more influential and imposing than nature’s own equation: You get = What you give! The relevance and ramifications of this equation are colossal. It is so deeply ingrained in our day to day life; yet research shows…