Does this happen with you and your dear ones?

You may find this different; but, this is 1st of several steps that I propose to take you through to create understanding about science /facts behind your life. Read through and make your judgment close to what actually happens with you and people close to you.

  1. If you receive a call from a relative early in morning – 1st thought that comes to your mind, something has gone wrong at his/her end!
  2. Call from customer or boss breaks your sleep – 1st thing you remember is your most (negatively) used word and then, what is it?
  3. Got a tip from morning newspaper how to be more supportive? Your immediate reaction is “this is what my spouse should do” and next in line is your boss and then, adversaries.
  4. Getting late? Compromise on prayers (if you do) and breakfast.
  5. Running late? Find more red traffic signals, more barriers in reaching faster.
  6. In a rush? Forget more, err more, only to be in greater rush.
  7. Not in good mood? Mood of boss or spouse is also not good!
  8. Get into an argument with boss or spouse – you suddenly feel the distance, isolation.
  9. If you commit a mistake, 1st thought comes on how to defend it.
  10. If you face some problem with your customer or colleague or health or so and get upset or nervous, you find more problems waiting in queue. These start to wane, when you gather courage and composure or sleep overnight.
  11. If you like something, you want to have more of it – money, power, beauty, popularity or so and you also start to worry more that you would lose it.
  12. Your nearer ones look better to you, when they are not near (physically) or gone at a distance.
  13. When you wait and watch (counting time) for a thing to happen – a friend to arrive, a good news to come etc., often your wait only appears longer and may not even come through. If you ignore or let it take its own time, it often arrives faster.
  14. At least 1/3rd of your life goes in guessing (a) what would others think of you, when you do something and (b) what is happening to others!
  15. You remember the devil (unlikeable), devil is there often; if you remember saint (likeable), saint often is not there.
    At last, you go to sleep, thinking tomorrow would be better!

Please make an honest attempt to judge each point. Copy and paste the following in “Comment space below” and fill your score at 2 places:

  • Count from above that happens with me …………….. (xx)
  • Count from above that happens to one dear to me ….. (yy)

Please state, if you want to know more of such points in your daily life?

When I get your response, I shall take you to next step of “Science behind Your Life”.



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9 responses to “Does this happen with you and your dear ones?”

  1. Ajay Nichit Avatar
    Ajay Nichit

    Count from above that happens with me ……15………..
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me …15..

    1. Kaushik Roy Chowdhury Avatar

      Count from above that happens with me 13
      Count from above that happens to one dear to me ………13……..

  2. Amit Samel Avatar
    Amit Samel

    The count from above that happens to me is 12. Most likely time to have a heart attack is early morning, so it is more likely to hear a bad news if you receive an early morning call. I am learning to focus on my breathe while waiting for a friend or a good news so that time appears to move fast.

  3. pranjit parasar Avatar
    pranjit parasar

    Count from above that happens with me …13…….. (xx)
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me 13. (yy).

    Dear Sir, Hope I will be able to control my emotions more by going more towards natural side of our body as I started to get signs which reminds me daily healthy body leads to a healthy and calm mind.

  4. nisha Avatar

    Waiting for the next sequence..
    Count from above that happens with me 8 (xx)
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me 7 (yy)

  5. Bhavesh Bhatt Avatar
    Bhavesh Bhatt

    Count from above that happens with me …11….
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me …12..

  6. vrushali narsale Avatar
    vrushali narsale

    Count from above that happen with me always ….5
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me …15..

  7. Samir Athane Avatar
    Samir Athane

    Sir, please can you disregard my earlier message…

    Count from above that happen with me always ….7
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me …14..

  8. Deepak Dev Avatar
    Deepak Dev

    Count from above that happens with me …………….. (9)
    Count from above that happens to one dear to me ….. (11)

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