Category: Educational

  • A world of difference – “Just in time” vs “Just ahead of time”!

    A world of difference – “Just in time” vs “Just ahead of time”!

    “Just in time” is a very popular practice by individuals and companies for punctuality, optimum use of time, productivity enhancement, quality improvement and cost/inventory control! Dell USA, iconic manufacturer of personal computers, revolutionized its manufacturing method by introducing “just in time” inventory from early years of its inception in late 1980s and that resulted in…

  • For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!

    For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!

    TED talks are hugely popular all over world. These are 18 minutes or less duration powerful video presentations by world’s most inspired thinkers and speakers from host of disciplines and cultures. Some of TED talk presenters communicate very effectively. “Talk like TED” has caught fancy of several communicators and tips to talk like TED have…

  • Most casual but serious mistake we commit – confusing Seriousness as Sincerity!

    Most casual but serious mistake we commit – confusing Seriousness as Sincerity!

    It is normally difficult to comprehend colossal difference it can make, when one is serious as opposed to being sincere, though dividing line between the two is very fine even by dictionary meaning! I had a colleague in a German multinational company in which I had worked, who specialized in X-ray spectrometry. He was too…

  • What to do when you want to break free from all barriers!

    What to do when you want to break free from all barriers!

    There are occasions, when you just want to break free; you want to rebel against all practices and polity, reject rules and rituals; dump duties and discipline; you are so agitated that nothing seems to satisfy you! Have you faced this kind of situation or state of your mind? I have witnessed in many people…

  • Can Artificial Intelligence ever match Human Intelligence?

    Can Artificial Intelligence ever match Human Intelligence?

    You can no longer brush aside subject of artificial intelligence (AI), since you might already be a heavy user of the same routinely through mobile phones, computers, internet search engines, digital calculators and GPS. It is extremely important for you to understand relevance of your own intelligence versus what future gadgets are going to provide…

  • Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    How often do you come across bosses or top management, whose approach is highly balanced? I am afraid that answer would most probably be – “Seldom”! Whole environment, in which bosses or managers evolve, develop and operate, is highly skewed towards running year’s business figures. It is almost like a doctrine drilled in their mind…

  • Greatest management technique is in mastering Murphy’s Law!

    Greatest management technique is in mastering Murphy’s Law!

    Ever since I released my 1st article about Murphy’s Law on 08-Aug-2013, I have been experimenting with this law and collecting data to establish its truths and myths and the way it impacts what we do. I wish to emphasize the law has very significant influence on our professional and personal lives, because a microscopic…

  • How to defeat a disappointing or damning day!

    How to defeat a disappointing or damning day!

    Sometimes you get up in the morning with not too good a feeling. You do not feel enthusiastic or excited. You feel your energy has been drained. On that day, you may experience lot of things going wrong. You would get into a tiff with your spouse or dear one/s for a trivial reason right…

  • Prerequisite to hold power should be commitment to empower!

    Prerequisite to hold power should be commitment to empower!

    Those, who cannot empower their team, sub-ordinates or juniors, do not deserve to hold power, whether in companies, communities, countries or even in their personal lives! Power corrupts, when concentrated!! Power becomes a poison, when one revolves around power and does not devolve it to concerned people or participants. What do people do, when they…

  • Why geniuses rarely have good looks; reverse also applies!

    Why geniuses rarely have good looks; reverse also applies!

    This is one of nature’s perspectives or paradoxes, you may find it hard to believe; but you simply cannot write it off! Turn the pages of history or look at present time, you would discover that one, who has been acclaimed as genius, is seldom has a great personality or looks! On the other hand,…