Tag: Multi-tasking
A miraculous quality – Focus, which is most misunderstood & misused!
Most people understand what Focus is; but, misunderstand its meaning, power and use! If focus is correctly understood, we would become very different in our style and strength. Focus is one human quality, which has far reaching impact on our mind, body, soul, success, health and happiness!! All successful leaders to legends, businessmen to celebrities…
(de)Merits of Multi-tasking!
Source: http://www.flickr.com/ Most believe that multi-tasking is more efficient than doing single task at a time. General perception is that you can do it faster through multi-tasking and quality can still be achieved. Human mind is such that it is always loaded with multiple thoughts. It is rare that only one thought is crossing our mind…
“Being in rush” is being in reverse gear!
When you are running short of time, you want to make up by rushing up. If you believe that you can really make up that way, you need to rethink! Research shows that you actually lose more time; the perception that you have saved time is only an illusion!! Factually speaking, you go in reverse…