Tag: Doer
Divide between successful & less successful, strong & weak would keep widening, unless….
A successful person moves from strength to strength, opportunities chase him (no gender bias) and his accomplishments and material gains increase multifold! A strong performer would always be a front runner. So, success multiplies for a successful person. On the other hand, success gets divided for a less successful person; he is generally laden with…
Amazing facts behind “1-2-3 & Go”!
Many of you might be aware about 80-20 rule or Pareto principle, which was proposed by Dr. Joseph Juran in late 1940s and he attributed it to Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who actually created a mathematical formula in year 1906. It states that for many events, about 80% of the effects come from 20% of…
When your taste is for Success, why your recipe is for Failure?
Everyone wants to be successful at work, career, professional or personal life; but few get it and others not, despite their best intentions and efforts. Often, we relate success and failure to stroke of luck or destiny. We have innumerable examples of many CEOs or top managers riding high and then gliding down. We tend…