Tag: Character
Monumental Mistake many make by not quitting at correct time!
Humans are infested by inertia and love to do what they have been doing. One fine day, they start facing issues, crises, stagnancy and decay. Often, the cause their troubles is that they had stuck around the place way too long and ignored the signals their surroundings were giving to quit and seek change! It…
We seldom reap benefits of our real strengths, since we think in “Compartments”!
One of the major drawbacks, which we humans face, is our tendency to think in compartments. We constantly create virtual compartments or boxes for each set of our thoughts, ideas or perception of a given situation and keep struggling or dealing within that compartment. In this process, we rarely can get a wholesome view and…
Cause of your main Confusions – your mind being mired with Myths & Mythologies!
It is myth to believe, a person however sane and sober he/she is, would not become or be seen as crook in the company of crook/s! The fall of Rajat Gupta, former Managing Director of Mckinsey and Board Member of Goldman Sachs USA, vindicates. Look at long revered legend – Lance Armstrong. He believed that…
What you think in Bedroom travels to Boardroom!
Warning – We are not taking about what you do in bedroom travels to boardroom. This is a universally applicable script; not an adult one. It is about our character and thoughts at Home or Work, Private or Public place. Often, we tend to think that we can switch on or off our traits or…
Majority show sincerity n goodness out of fear or serving self!
Jury from extensive research is out – the truth is what above caption speaks. There is a clear case to search your soul. A very high percentage of people – more than 90%, believe or make others to believe that they are sincere and good; but they display these qualities in public or private, corporates…