Tag: Boss

  • Is there any alternative to being fair and good?

    Is there any alternative to being fair and good?

    If a sub-ordinate commits a mistake, supervisor is up in arms, gets angry, reprimands, issues a warning and develops adverse opinion against him/her. On other hand, sub-ordinate reacts and regrets working under such boss. Both think that they are right in what they perceive and do! Issue escalates until a flash point, when the sub-ordinate…

  • Being poor in fulfilling promises makes you poorer!

    Being poor in fulfilling promises makes you poorer!

    Statistics shows that 9 out of 10 people are poor in delivering promises. Nearly all of us are prompt in making promises, committing to do something; but when it comes to doing it, delivering it, we take a backseat. Promises could be as small as “I shall phone you back” or as significant as “I…

  • Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    You need a specialized degree to enter; but if you emerge as a truly successful player, you would end up being a generalist! It may sound strange to start with; but that is the stark and practical reality of our life!! I have come across 14 highly qualified and experienced executives in German, US and…

  • Why profit or power pushes you near God; but loss pulls you down near grave!

    Why profit or power pushes you near God; but loss pulls you down near grave!

    Is not it ironical that inherently all leadership laurels, saintly sermons, pious preaching and quotable quotes revolve around values, virtues and quality; yet our addiction and admiration for profit and power always reign supreme? If a CEO of a company takes fat salary and bonus, a promoter garners millions of dollars of fund in initial…

  • Sure signs, if long term health of organization you serve is not sound!

    Sure signs, if long term health of organization you serve is not sound!

    Is not it a sound idea to check time to time how sound is the long term health of the organization, you are serving or managing? If yes, top management as well as employees could do well to make following reality checks and then seek a change or solution: Top rated performers leave organization earlier…

  • How a role model can mold your persona!

    How a role model can mold your persona!

    When you get highly impressed with someone for one or more times, you have tendency to choose him/her consciously or unconsciously as your role model. At this point of time, World Football Cup fever is at its top and has caught fancy of millions. Several sports lovers have or would choose their role models; but…

  • Your guessing game defeats your ability to anticipate and more!

    Your guessing game defeats your ability to anticipate and more!

    Nearly whole world is infested with habit to guess! On an average, more than 50% our life is consumed with guessing game – what has or would happen to me and what could happen to others!! If our sound sleep is broken by a phone ring in the morning, first thought is to guess a…

  • How to infer boss’ impression about you

    How to infer boss’ impression about you

    There are not many bosses, who are open and willing to clearly convey their mind or impressions to their sub-ordinates! On other hand, most sub-ordinates hesitate to talk candidly to their bosses. The result is both bosses and sub-ordinates work in respective mental compartments; build opinions, expectations, hopes or frustration and Pandora’s box opens only…

  • It is not a responsible behavior of bosses, when they bat for their blue eyed boys/girls!

    It is not a responsible behavior of bosses, when they bat for their blue eyed boys/girls!

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ Bosses in any organization are supposed to be role models for their employees! They need to be fair, flexible and equitable in their dealings with employees. A healthy relationship between supervisors and sub-ordinates promotes pride for employees, enjoyable work place, high efficiency and harmonious growth. But in real life of most organizations, all what…

  • Being restless for lack of rewards to your efforts?

    Being restless for lack of rewards to your efforts?

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ It is good to be restless, if you don’t get rewards for your endeavors, as compared to those who like to rest on no or little rewards! At least that would shake you, encourage you to review what is wrong and possible inspire you to bring a change in your efforts or environments with…