Tag: Simplicity

  • What simple and sincere employees or people can do to prevent being manipulated!

    What simple and sincere employees or people can do to prevent being manipulated!

    To be simple and sincere are invaluable qualities; but irony is employees or people in general, possessing these, are often at the receiving end! I have witnessed and I am sure, several or most of you have experienced how simple and sincere people suffer and complex personalities succeed. The latter walks over the former and…

  • Beauty and Banes of becoming or being Big!

    Beauty and Banes of becoming or being Big!

    Size and figures matter to all of us. Notion of what size or figures are appropriate or optimal varies from things to things. We would try to explore whether there could be a universal definition or norm for what is right. Companies, which are small in size, find it hard to survive in face of…

  • The biggest bug of Corporates – Complexities!

    Most corporates around world have no clue how complexities are silently and systematically killing them. Factually speaking, the killer bug has been inflicting damage to our private life and the most of public or private institutions too! Look at processes, procedures, policies, perceptions, behavior, basic needs and thinking, compare with what was prevalent say 5…