Tag: Reality
We seldom reap benefits of our real strengths, since we think in “Compartments”!
One of the major drawbacks, which we humans face, is our tendency to think in compartments. We constantly create virtual compartments or boxes for each set of our thoughts, ideas or perception of a given situation and keep struggling or dealing within that compartment. In this process, we rarely can get a wholesome view and…
Why most Leaders and Legends fall!
Today, we need to ask and answer 2 questions: Is it a nature’s law that leaders and legends would fall in any case? If one has to fall in any case, is it worth going up the ladder of leadership and legendary? It is a stark reality that what goes up, comes down; excellence brings…
Cause of your main Confusions – your mind being mired with Myths & Mythologies!
It is myth to believe, a person however sane and sober he/she is, would not become or be seen as crook in the company of crook/s! The fall of Rajat Gupta, former Managing Director of Mckinsey and Board Member of Goldman Sachs USA, vindicates. Look at long revered legend – Lance Armstrong. He believed that…
Most failures come from first looking Forward and then Back; reverse sequence n see magic!
You often wonder why some people get successes after successes and others failures, despite putting same degree of efforts? Why some are very different and efficient than others, irrespective of having same intents and talents? Extensive study and observations show that there is a very fine dividing line; split second’s difference in the directions and…
Your Barriers mainly come from your Notions, Perceptions and Traits
In Corporate and elsewhere, we always talk of barriers and the need to overcome these. But unfortunately, in none of the debates, discussions or development programs it is brought out what makes barriers to surface and how to manage those. The main source for barriers is your own Notions, Perceptions and Traits (NPT). Are you…
Presence of Paradoxes – A Bane or Blessing?
In previous Post of 28-June-2012, we have seen how glaring paradoxes in our life are. Let us look at some more to gain deeper insight. Everything that we observe, including ourselves, has been created by nature out of Nothing! Science has developed devices to receive and relate signals from billions of miles away; but has…