Tag: Pride

  • Mediocrity is an essential evil, as it works as a great equalizer!

    Mediocrity is an essential evil, as it works as a great equalizer!

    Truth is often bitter! When we know it at heart, many of us hesitate to speak it!! Same seems to be true of relevance of mediocrity in companies and societies. Leaders and preachers alike are often engaged in bashing and banishing mediocrity or mediocre persons to earn ovations from their followers, completely forgetting that the…

  • Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ This is true not only of Corporate World but also of any type of institution or even families. Everyone craves that only decent people drive the Corporates; but, exactly opposite happens. No doubt, there are decent people at the top; but they are completely outnumbered by the difficult ones worldwide! There are 3 ways…

  • “How I Hire” – Mantra & Messages of many!

    Recently a social media has invited articles on “How I Hire” from eminent leaders and authors. So, a spate of articles surfaced on this platform. Lot of good ideas and counsel has been shared on how to hire best in class or best fit. Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of GE sees the best…

  • Do you want to be Part or Standout of Crowd or be a Crowd-puller?

    Everyone lives his/her life anyway. But, it is important to ask ourselves – do “we want to make a difference and leave our legacy behind” or “just live and leave uneventfully”! We have 3 choices in our professional, personal and social life – (a) do like others do, (b) do better than what others do…

  • Our worst Enemy is what we Embrace most – Ego & how to nab it!

    Most of us confuse ego as our pride or self-esteem and therefore, miserably fail to comprehend the damage ego inflicts on us! One would be amazed to note that this is more rampant in developed societies and countries!! I have encountered enumerable times the paradox that this very ego of people prevent them even to understand…