Tag: Monotonous
Creativity and Innovativeness come, when we kill fear and create freedom!
All of us need to be a good manager, supervisor or go getter; but that alone is not be good enough to keep us going. After a certain point, we experience a level of saturation, things appear to have come to a plateau or we face a knot. What was motivating becomes monotonous; excitement ebbs…
What drives you – Incentive or Inspiration?
Instantaneous response of majority would be that Inspiration is at the back of their drive; but in reality, it is Incentive! Lot of people loves game of tambola (housie). If prizes of cash money are taken away, who would then like to play this game? Probably, none! So, is it liking for tambola or love…
Body language says it all! You want to let it speak Cosmetically or Charismatically?
Human body language is lavishly rich; but least understood. It is the only language, which cuts across all cultures, castes, creeds and countries and is most universal; yet least developed! Everyone uses it through his/her expressions and gets an impression or comprehension for same spontaneously; but usually ignorant of its correct meaning. It is the…