Tag: Egoist
Our worst Enemy is what we Embrace most – Ego & how to nab it!
Most of us confuse ego as our pride or self-esteem and therefore, miserably fail to comprehend the damage ego inflicts on us! One would be amazed to note that this is more rampant in developed societies and countries!! I have encountered enumerable times the paradox that this very ego of people prevent them even to understand…
What you think in Bedroom travels to Boardroom!
Warning – We are not taking about what you do in bedroom travels to boardroom. This is a universally applicable script; not an adult one. It is about our character and thoughts at Home or Work, Private or Public place. Often, we tend to think that we can switch on or off our traits or…
Most failures come from first looking Forward and then Back; reverse sequence n see magic!
You often wonder why some people get successes after successes and others failures, despite putting same degree of efforts? Why some are very different and efficient than others, irrespective of having same intents and talents? Extensive study and observations show that there is a very fine dividing line; split second’s difference in the directions and…