Tag: Distraction
A world of difference – “Just in time” vs “Just ahead of time”!
“Just in time” is a very popular practice by individuals and companies for punctuality, optimum use of time, productivity enhancement, quality improvement and cost/inventory control! Dell USA, iconic manufacturer of personal computers, revolutionized its manufacturing method by introducing “just in time” inventory from early years of its inception in late 1980s and that resulted in…
For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!
TED talks are hugely popular all over world. These are 18 minutes or less duration powerful video presentations by world’s most inspired thinkers and speakers from host of disciplines and cultures. Some of TED talk presenters communicate very effectively. “Talk like TED” has caught fancy of several communicators and tips to talk like TED have…
Why we fail to foresee or figure out what is coming!
Iconic and huge companies like Apple and Dell have not been able to foresee what is coming. After cruising to crest, Apple is now staring at its fall. Its share price from the peak in September, 2012 has come down by more than 45% in a span of 6 months and its recovery till date…