Tag: Disillusionment
What drives you – Incentive or Inspiration?
Instantaneous response of majority would be that Inspiration is at the back of their drive; but in reality, it is Incentive! Lot of people loves game of tambola (housie). If prizes of cash money are taken away, who would then like to play this game? Probably, none! So, is it liking for tambola or love…
Discover how to defeat your Disappointments n Depressive feelings!
Great leaders’ sayings, golden quotes, good advises, tested truths or terrific experiences carry no value for those, who are disappointed or depressed! Disappointments and depressive feelings are like hunger, when any talk about which food is healthy or harmful loses its relevance; a hungry person just wants food to eat!! In both the cases, emotions…
Why things show up often, when we are set to give up!
Or things pop up, when you have already given up!! I came across a number of employees in the organizations, I have been associated with. These employees were sincere and hardworking; but like it happens in most companies, they developed feeling that they were not getting rewarded reasonably for their work and worth by the…