Month: September 2014

  • Can your Genes make you Genius?

    Can your Genes make you Genius?

    Is ability to become a genius a genetic phenomenon? None from family of Albert Einstein, who was undoubtedly one of the greatest geniuses, parents or grandparents, was known to be genius in any field. From his first wife, who also studied science, he had 1 daughter and 2 sons. But, none of Einstein’s children did…

  • How good is to serve same employer life time?

    How good is to serve same employer life time?

    Those, who serve an employer for long time, hesitate to ask this question to self or others! And those, who keep hopping from one to another employer, obviously don’t want to ask this question. Irony is that all of us want to be under the illusion of belief that what we are doing is good!!…

  • Can Real World ever be an Ideal World?

    Can Real World ever be an Ideal World?

    All of us dream of an ideal world! Can it ever become a reality? Or what we consider as ideal is only a dream, a piece of fiction or imagination? Is it that our definition of ideal world needs to undergo a change? These are valid and natural questions, which do come in the minds…

  • Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    You need a specialized degree to enter; but if you emerge as a truly successful player, you would end up being a generalist! It may sound strange to start with; but that is the stark and practical reality of our life!! I have come across 14 highly qualified and experienced executives in German, US and…