Tag: Myths

  • Why likes of Trump would not only survive but always thrive

    Why likes of Trump would not only survive but always thrive

    Look at any country, company, community or family – difficult person or people always dominate and decent ones lie low. In a school classroom, naughty students are always noticeable and receive teachers’ most attention; but nice ones find themselves neglected. In just concluded US Presidential race, it is widely believed that both of main contenders…

  • Practices give repeat/peak Performance; but Breakthroughs come only when same are broken!

    Good practices are great to give repeat and consistent performance. But these by themselves cannot enable breakthroughs or innovations to improvise further. If that was to happen, you would have already got those! If you think that laid-down “practices and processes” alone would give you best results at all times to come; it may be…

  • Idealism fans out to Fanaticism, Ferociousness & more

    It is very common to follow what you believe as “ideal ways and ideals set (by others)” in your pursuit and passion for achieving your goals. When success starts to turn in, a turning point also comes when your passion for such ideal ways and ideals set becomes stronger and stronger. Such strong passion invariably…

  • Myths about Mentoring in Corporates

    I doubt that Employer and Employees world over realize that good mentoring is not only a great passage to great career and personal growth; but also great for company’s growth! Few years back, I was requested by my overseas HR colleague to mentor one of high potential employees working in our company’s unit in a…