Tag: Rational

  • Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    How often do you come across bosses or top management, whose approach is highly balanced? I am afraid that answer would most probably be – “Seldom”! Whole environment, in which bosses or managers evolve, develop and operate, is highly skewed towards running year’s business figures. It is almost like a doctrine drilled in their mind…

  • How good is to serve same employer life time?

    How good is to serve same employer life time?

    Those, who serve an employer for long time, hesitate to ask this question to self or others! And those, who keep hopping from one to another employer, obviously don’t want to ask this question. Irony is that all of us want to be under the illusion of belief that what we are doing is good!!…

  • Greatest Equation of Nature: You get = What you give

    Science and mathematics have given us innumerable equations, which have immense impact on our life; but nothing is more influential and imposing than nature’s own equation: You get = What you give! The relevance and ramifications of this equation are colossal. It is so deeply ingrained in our day to day life; yet research shows…

  • When you are on throes of a Dilemma….

    Everyone faces dilemma of varying degree at one time or another. Some dilemmas make you dumb or dazed e.g. You work with high degree of dedication, dynamism and diligence and one fine morning your boss comes to tell that you are not a good fit. You discover that your best friend has been digging under…