Tag: Managerial courage

  • One master key that can open many doors of opportunities!

    One master key that can open many doors of opportunities!

    Most of us would like host of opportunities to come our way. We would like have highly remunerative job in hand, be able to change to better employer when needed, dream home to live in, fabulous vacation at bargain price and so on. However, sometimes we get those and other times, we have to be…

  • Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    Why bosses need to believe in balancing!

    How often do you come across bosses or top management, whose approach is highly balanced? I am afraid that answer would most probably be – “Seldom”! Whole environment, in which bosses or managers evolve, develop and operate, is highly skewed towards running year’s business figures. It is almost like a doctrine drilled in their mind…

  • Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    Why generalists and not specialists have last laugh!

    You need a specialized degree to enter; but if you emerge as a truly successful player, you would end up being a generalist! It may sound strange to start with; but that is the stark and practical reality of our life!! I have come across 14 highly qualified and experienced executives in German, US and…

  • Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ This is true not only of Corporate World but also of any type of institution or even families. Everyone craves that only decent people drive the Corporates; but, exactly opposite happens. No doubt, there are decent people at the top; but they are completely outnumbered by the difficult ones worldwide! There are 3 ways…