Tag: Lust

  • While falling in love, your feelings are simple; but on continuing, these become complex!

    While falling in love, your feelings are simple; but on continuing, these become complex!

    When you fall in love with anything – nature, job, hobby, friend, stranger or else, you feel you are in a new world; you experience bliss and beauty; you are completely captivated; you are most probably not able to fathom what is happening! It is a feeling, which is no less than divine, pure, unique…

  • Why things show up often, when we are set to give up!

    Or things pop up, when you have already given up!! I came across a number of employees in the organizations, I have been associated with. These employees were sincere and hardworking; but like it happens in most companies, they developed feeling that they were not getting rewarded reasonably for their work and worth by the…

  • When the Best in you starts to bite, then….

    Everyone wants to excel, in what one is engaged and be the Best. Sooner or later, one does move to the peak of his/her performance. Beyond then, what? This is when you find yourself at cross-roads. “You dream, dare, design, drive and get there with diligence” only to face “dilemma like never before?” It is…