Tag: Bulldoze

  • Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Bitter pill of most Corporates – Difficult people Dominate!

    Source: http://www.flickr.com/ This is true not only of Corporate World but also of any type of institution or even families. Everyone craves that only decent people drive the Corporates; but, exactly opposite happens. No doubt, there are decent people at the top; but they are completely outnumbered by the difficult ones worldwide! There are 3 ways…

  • Like to be a real Leader? Create Contemporaries & not Followers!

    Not sure, which subject is as extensively covered worldwide as “Leadership”. There are floods of articles by acclaimed to amateur people, development programs by management gurus, spate of theories, case studies and jargons on leadership. That shows its enormous importance and emphasis of top order. However, all of these have only created euphoria and excitement;…