Tag: Body language

  • Your environments closely track your thoughts – how and why

    Your environments closely track your thoughts – how and why

    One fine morning, you meet your difficult boss and find him very decent, contrary to your previous experiences. On analysis, you discover that on this day somehow you had a good feeling for the boss. Another day, you decide to consciously keep positive feeling and meet the boss but you are shocked to find that…

  • For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!

    For true impact, treat communication more as a trait than technique!

    TED talks are hugely popular all over world. These are 18 minutes or less duration powerful video presentations by world’s most inspired thinkers and speakers from host of disciplines and cultures. Some of TED talk presenters communicate very effectively. “Talk like TED” has caught fancy of several communicators and tips to talk like TED have…

  • When being good is not good enough in your professional or personal life!

    When being good is not good enough in your professional or personal life!

    Are you one of those, who face dilemma time and again that they do their best; but their desires or dreams do not come through? You are sincere, serious and honest in your endeavors; yet, do you encounter disappointments that results are seldom up to your expectations? Does that leave you wondering and often frustrating…

  • Sharpen your personality by sharpening your brain/memory!

    Sharpen your personality by sharpening your brain/memory!

    “Your persona is how your mind is”, this is what a body language expert would say! This is very true!! Let us first understand what we mean by “how mind is”. Mind is the most powerful and precious part of a human body (it is also true of every other living being). Principally, nature has…

  • How to infer boss’ impression about you

    How to infer boss’ impression about you

    There are not many bosses, who are open and willing to clearly convey their mind or impressions to their sub-ordinates! On other hand, most sub-ordinates hesitate to talk candidly to their bosses. The result is both bosses and sub-ordinates work in respective mental compartments; build opinions, expectations, hopes or frustration and Pandora’s box opens only…

  • Forgiving is never complete without Forgetting & combination of both makes you look    Fantastic!

    Forgiving is never complete without Forgetting & combination of both makes you look Fantastic!

    I believe this topic is very critical to all of us! Mistakes, wrong things or even blunders do happen  by everybody (Let us    keep criminal acts out of purview of our discussion here).  Whatever you may do,  you cannot eliminate; at the most you can minimize these. On the other hand, these are part and parcel of our…

  • “How I Hire” – Mantra & Messages of many!

    Recently a social media has invited articles on “How I Hire” from eminent leaders and authors. So, a spate of articles surfaced on this platform. Lot of good ideas and counsel has been shared on how to hire best in class or best fit. Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of GE sees the best…

  • Everyone wants to be Short and Sweet; but how to be!

    Universally, everybody agrees being short and sweet works well; but he/she often lands up being long and lingering! There are 2 schools of thoughts – one believes in being comprehensive and second puts its faith on being concise. Former invariably tends to become complex and then, people generally repel or react. Latter, when overtly conscious…

  • Learning has no limits; either you live by it or it leaves you!

    All of us know what is “Learning” and would say – oh, that’s very simple! Irony is that there are not many, who have a right understanding or do a right job!! It is because of that, most of us don’t have real taste of learning! Learning is one of few things, which has very…

  • Predicting Behavior of Bosses!

    Is it not a good topic to talk about? If you could predict behavior of your boss, half of your life is made at work! You would not face dilemma time and again how to deal with your boss/es. In every profession and part of our life, we have to deal with people. We have…